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hitPatch function to store escaping particle details

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Old   October 21, 2010, 20:42
Default hitPatch function to store escaping particle details
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Kushagra Mittal
Join Date: Mar 2009
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mittal is on a distinguished road

Thanks to every one for making things so exciting with open source code !

After so much help from tutorials and threads available to incorporate lagrangian/intermediate class for particle tracking in interFoam solver, I was successful in compiling my solver.

Now, I want the solver to write details of particle(s) (such as x,y,x, u, v,z,dia) whenever they exit the domain from any of the outlets. I looked in the code and could not find any readymade function. Is there any? please suggest. I also thought of adding few lines of code in/after hitPatch function(s) but could not figure out which hitfunction to choose and in which file. My limited experience with C++ limited my efforts.

Could some one please suggest how and where to modify the code. Any smallest useful input will lighten the path for me.

Thanks once again.

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