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Problems with calculating Gust equivalent mean wind speed

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Old   January 23, 2010, 03:51
Question Problems with calculating Gust equivalent mean wind speed
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Join Date: Nov 2009
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Alicelin is on a distinguished road
Hi everyone,

I've run turbFoam for a 2D problem and got the values of U for every time step. I've also calculated the normalised mean wind speed for every time step. Now I want to calculate the gust equivalent mean wind speed (GEM) for which I have to first find out the turbulence intensity, so I need to calculate the difference of the values of U in every time step against the normalised mean wind speed in the last time step, square the difference and sum them up and divided by the number of time steps. As I'm new to OpenFOAM and not familiar with C++, I just know I have to write a loop to sum up the things but I don't know what exactly I have to write Or is there any function like fieldAverage that can generate the standard deviation??

Can anyone help me?

Many thanks!

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