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Compared MRFSimpleFoam and Fluent in a centrifugal pump!

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Old   December 11, 2009, 03:52
Default Compared MRFSimpleFoam and Fluent in a centrifugal pump!
Join Date: Jun 2009
Posts: 75
Rep Power: 17
renyun0511 is on a distinguished road
Hi all,
Recently,I am calculating the hydraulic performance and internal field of a centrifugal pump by using OpenFoam-1.5-dev and,I want to recommend my steps.firstly,I generated the mesh in Gambit,save as ***.msh for Fluent and MRFSimpleFoam,and the numerical method i dopted both in Fluent and MRFSimpleFoam are: standard k-epsilon model, simple algorithm and first order upwind.
Additionally,after setting the initial conditions and boundary conditions and the MRF in OF,I modified the discrete format and the under-relaxation factors as followed:
default none;
div(phi,U) Gauss upwind;
div(phi,k) Gauss upwind;
div(phi,epsilon) Gauss upwind;
div((nuEff*dev(grad(U).T()))) Gauss linear;

nNonOrthogonalCorrectors 0;
pRefCell 0;
pRefValue 0;
p 0.5;
U 0.5;
k 0.25;
epsilon 0.25;
Compared the result in Fluent and MRFSimpleFoam:
the residual,total pressure,absolute velocity in Fluent:

the residual,pressure and velocity in MRFSimpleFoam:

the hesad and torque:
fluent: head=28.6m, the torque=161.52
OF: head=26.1m,the torque are as followed:

norm of(blade) : (3.35282e-09 3.39945e-09 0.000766278)

pressure torque(blade) : (0 0 0)[Nm]; power: 0[W]

Evaluation of GGI weighting factors:

Largest slave weighting factor correction : 0.000544509 average: 0.000108346

Largest master weighting factor correction: 0.00247013 average: 2.03543e-05

viscous torque (blade) : (0 0 0)[Nm];power 0[W]

norm of(wallqgb) : (-2.0884e-09 -7.9866e-10 -0.0519531)

pressure torque(wallqgb) : (0 0 0)[Nm]; power: 0[W]

viscous torque (wallqgb) : (0 0 0)[Nm];power 0[W]

norm of(wallhgb) : (-1.26442e-09 -2.60051e-09 0.0712859)

pressure torque(wallhgb) : (0 0 0)[Nm]; power: 0[W]

viscous torque (wallhgb) : (0 0 0)[Nm];power 0[W]
at last, my problems are:
1.strangely,when I calculated the impeller without the volute,and the head of impeller is only 20m,why it went up after adding the volute?
2.the p in OF is static pressure,dynamic or total pressure? While which is total pressure in Fluent.
3.Is the residual in OF above convergenced?and how to determine whether the result is convergenced?
4. or is there any things will cause the differents?whether is wrong or right in my setup?
Yours jennifer

Last edited by renyun0511; November 9, 2011 at 23:10.
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Old   December 12, 2009, 16:57
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bastil is on a distinguished road
1.strangely,when I calculated the impeller without the volute,and the head of impeller is only 20m,why it went up after adding the volute?
I did not really unbderstand this.
2.the p in OF is static pressure,dynamic or total pressure? While which is total pressure in Fluent.
p is static pressure. That can not be compared to total pressur ein FLUENT. vmag comparison looks very nice :-)
3.Is the residual in OF above convergenced?and how to determine whether the result is convergenced?
I think it is. To judge convergence this is as difficulat as in any ther CFD code. Maybe try looking at physical values.
4. or is there any things will cause the differents?whether is wrong or right in my setup?
Setup looks good. This is fine I do not think there are large differences between the two codes.

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Old   December 12, 2009, 22:58
Join Date: Jun 2009
Posts: 75
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renyun0511 is on a distinguished road
hi bastil,
thank you for your reply.
1.a pump is composed of an impeller and an volute.generally speaking,due to the hydraulic lose,the impeller head is often higher than the pump head.and now,the impeller head(20m) is lower than the pump head(26.1m).i don't know why?

4. the torque,which is used for computing the hydraulic efficiency,is difference from each other.from the torque i claculate in OF is too lower than that in Fluent,so the hydraulic efficiency derived from OF is more than 100%,which is virtually impossible in pump industry.

i guess maybe the problem of momentum equation,perhaps,there is absence of something i don't know.there is none of the solvers include coriolis force and centifugal force in my original thinking,but after going into the source case,i saw the description of the forces,and now,i have no ideas.

your jennifer
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