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combination of dynamicRefine and motionSolver

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Old   November 24, 2009, 10:09
Default combination of dynamicRefine and motionSolver
Björn Fabritius
Join Date: Mar 2009
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Hello all,
I tried to combine the motionSolverFvMesh (in OF-1.6) with the dynamicRefineFvMesh and solve using interDyMFoam.
I couldn't run my case with motion and refinement in a single step, so I changed the update() method such, that it does a refinement step based on the refineInterval value in dynamicMeshDict and a motion step otherwise. So a value of 2 would lead to alternately doing motion - refinement - motion - refinement etc.
The problem is: The first refinement step after any number of movements produces alpha1 values of 300 and larger and the solver crashes immediately. Both procedures seperately work fine, i.e. I can do the complete run with motion and without refinement, or I can run it doing refinement in every step without motion. But the combination does not work!

Has anyone ever tried a similar thing and succeeded? Any hints appreciated.

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Old   January 12, 2010, 07:58
Wolfgang W.
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Dear Bjoern,

I was just about to pose the exacte same question as I'm also trying to implement mesh motion (dynamicMotionSolverFvMesh) and refinement (dynamicRefineFvMesh) into one procedure. It seems I didn't even get as far as you did ... I tried to write everything into dynamicMeshDict - didn't work of course because then I have two different assignements to dynamicFvMesh.
How did you do it? I'm working with dev-1.5 and a modified version of the icoFsiFoam solver at the moment.

Did you get any further with respect to this issue?

Best regards,
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Old   June 30, 2010, 12:54
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I'm trying to use dynamic meshing and I want to know if someone has examples or documentation on dynamicMeshDict, others than tutorial ones, using dynamicMotionSolverFvMesh or dynamicRefineFvMesh or staticFvMesh, with the appropriate keywords...

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dynamicrefine, interdymfoam

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