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Old   August 25, 2009, 09:38
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Sandy Lee
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Thank you a lot, Alberto. In OpenFOAM, BICCG is diagonal ILU preconditioned BiCG solver, so it can be used to solve an asymmetrical or symmetrical matrix.

Last edited by sandy; August 25, 2009 at 11:03.
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Old   August 26, 2009, 00:44
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Daniel WEI (老魏)
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FYI, some updates.

1. I failed to use PGI compiler to recompile the OpenFOAM, lots of errors. And ICC, I failed again, something strange wrong.

My system info: 64 bits AMD Opteron(tm) 8347HE 1900MHz, InfiniBand

So, Henry said b4 he did not gain much using Icc over Gcc. I have no idea about this, anyway, I have recompiled the newest version of Gcc for now.

2. About Scotch, sorry for the misleading, I just read the "New Features" on the official website of OpenCFD, and it claims metis will be replaced with Scotch in the next release.

3. A question,
If mpi implementation is compiled with compilers other than Gnu-Gcc, but OpenFOAM is compiled with Gcc,
If they are both compiled with Gnu-Gcc,
Which combination is faster?
I asked bcoz, the system mpi implementation (openmpi) is not compiled by Gnu-Gcc, but PGI's compiler.

4. i have problem installing mvapich2 which is designed for infiniband. Bcoz, several days before, the simulation of combination openmpi+OpenFOAM (both are compiled with Gcc) was so slow that I want to shoot somebody. So now I want to have a try of mpich2+openfoam (both are compiled with Gcc).

My team does not have a CFD background, I hope I could stop messing about and graduate as early as possible.
Daniel WEI
Boeing Research & Technology - China
Beijing, China
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Old   August 26, 2009, 22:47
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Daniel WEI (老魏)
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Some Updates.
  1. mvapich and mvapich2 implementation failed.
  2. starting mpich2 failed, {mpd &, mpirun -machinefile $PWD/nodelist -np ...} didn't work.
  3. I compiled new version mpich-1.2.7p1, and it works now.
  4. I compared the speedup with different number of processors, but the speedup is far from linear, using 8 processors, the speedup is only about 3.5, and using 16 processors, the speedup is only 9.1, ie. a sublinear speedup of 43.1%. That's very bad, isn't it?
    If you want to know further results (some figures and tables), please email me and let me know.
  5. Simon's comment is of great value, much appreciated.
    In my case, it made a huge difference (note I'm using 1.5-dev). With the pre-compiled version, there was a small speedup at 4 or 8 processors, but far from a linear speed. When using more than 8 processors, it was slower and the clocktime was much larger than the cpu time. After being compiled on the supercomputer with the Intel compiler, the speedup is much better.
  6. Next step, I am going to compare my compiled mpich and openmpi, and then using the same number of processors but on different nodes.

And thanks to everyone.
Daniel WEI
Boeing Research & Technology - China
Beijing, China

Last edited by lakeat; August 27, 2009 at 03:14.
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