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RasInterFoam in closed system

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Old   April 9, 2009, 05:45
Default RasInterFoam in closed system
Julien Schaguene
Join Date: Apr 2009
Location: France
Posts: 55
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first I want to quickly introduce myself. I'm a French student (so sorry for sometimes bad english speaking), finishing my studies by doing an internship in a compagny near Grenoble.
For two months now, I've been working on OpenFoam, essentially on free surface simulations.

Now, let me explain my issue. I want to simulate a multiphase flow in a closed system. I have kind of a box, and 2 phases in it. I just want to see how the lighter phase will go in the top of my system.
So I am using RasInterFoam, but it always asks me for pd, whereas all that matters here in p and gamma.
My question is: Is there a way to avoid to work with pd or not? I tried to modify fvSolution and fvScheme, but it keeps asking me for pd initial field.

Thank you for our answers/advices,


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