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Differences between simpleFoam an turbFoam

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Old   September 30, 2005, 08:33
Default I'm wondering if I'm right or
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Francois Beaubert
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I'm wondering if I'm right or not when I compare the differences between simpleFoam and turbfoam:

* both are for incompressible flow and resolve the Naviers-Stokes equation with RANS closure.

* turbFoam is for unsteady simulation and use the PISO algorithm.

* simpleFoam is for steady simulation and use the simple algorithm.

In the usermanual we can see that simpleFoam is for non-newtonian flow. But is this application still usable for Newtonian flow ?

Furthermore, I have a few question about the use of lowreynolds number RANS model:

* do we have to check the Y+ before running a low or High reynolds RANS model (like in fluent). So, must the mesh be reffined near the wall accordingly:
- Y+>40 for highReynolds RANS models
- y+=1 for lowReynolds RANS models

And for the statistics (like mean velocity and pressure fields):

the simpleFoam application gives the mean fields while for the turbFoam application we have to compute them. In this case are they already computed in turbFoam and if so with which variable can we access them.

Thank's a lot for your answer. I know this question may be stupid but I'm new to OpenFOAM and C++

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Old   September 30, 2005, 09:30
Default 1. simpleFoam uses the SIMPLE
Pierre Le Fur
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1. simpleFoam uses the SIMPLE algorithm and can be used fot BOTH newtonian or non-newtonian fluids, you just have to specify the viscosity model in the constant/transportProperties file

2. One can specify which turbulence model to use in constant/turbulentProperties file.
Depending on the model you use, you have indeed to create a mesh adequate for that model, you can check Y+ with the checkYplus utility for example.

3. run the turbFoam tutorial it will answer all the questions about variable available,
but again depending on the flow you compute the converged result can be unsteady or steady, you can use turbFoam to calculate a steady-state calculation, the time step becomes a kind of iteration counter similar to simpleFoam then

J'espere que ca aide

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Old   September 30, 2005, 10:54
Default Tanks Pierre for your answer,
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Francois Beaubert
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Tanks Pierre for your answer,

I have already run this tutorial but I must admit that it was not in depth.
Good luck for your PhD ... with OpenFOAM it will be funy ...

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Old   November 15, 2005, 15:03
Default How does one check yplus for c
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Jeff Allen
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How does one check yplus for compressible, turbulent cases? For example using k-epsilon.

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