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Old   March 3, 2008, 17:48
Default I finally able to run my case
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I finally able to run my case in parallel. There was some problem in the gcc installation. Now its working fine,.

Thank you ..

Thanks and regards,

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Old   March 12, 2008, 11:17
Default I thought my parallel case is
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I thought my parallel case is running, but actually it was not. However I can see the program running on queue. Error file is saying that..
ERROR: A daemon on node comp26 failed to start as expected.
As i mentioned earlier my mpirun -hostfile machine <rooot> <case> -parallel command is running quite well on cluster directly. I mean to say that it's working fine if we run on master node (for us its but it fails on any other node ( like comp01/02/10/11 etc) I tried a hello mpi programm as well but that also failed to run using qsub and running quite well directly on master kittyhawk. my gcc compiler is unable to compile a program on any other node except master node kittyhawk. however they are using the right gcc (that is openfoam version of gcc)

Again, I am using cluster's version of MPICH as PE. (#$ mpich -pe 4), which is installed at /usr/.....**
The default PE environment here is >>score<< which we run using mpisub command.
Do I need to use a local version of mpich in order to run in parallel using qsub? Or could it be possible to run openfoam program using score?
can anybody suggst something?

Thanks and regards,

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Old   April 17, 2009, 12:21
Smile Running OpenFOAM in parallel with SGE
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Frank Albina
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to run openFOAM in parallel with SGE, you need to make sure that the following requisites are satisfied:

1) use an openmpi version >= 1.2.0
The reason is that any version prior to that isn't working with SGE.

2) Make sure that you define a parallel environment, for instance "orte", with the following definition (that's here for 8 parallel slots = 8 cores in parallel):
pe_name orte
slots 8
user_lists NONE
xuser_lists NONE
start_proc_args /bin/true
stop_proc_args /bin/true
allocation_rule $round_robin
control_slaves TRUE
job_is_first_task FALSE

urgency_slots min
3) Submit your job with (for example with a run on 8 cores):
where contains:
#$ -V
### number of processors and parallel environment
#$ -pe orte 8
### Job name
#$ -N "mypartest"
### Start from current working directory
#$ -cwd
### Generate the hostfile
awk '{print $1" cpu=1"}' ${PE_HOSTFILE} > ${PWD}/${HOSTFILE}
### Run application
${MPI_ARCH_PATH}/bin/mpirun -np ${NSLOTS} --hostfile ${PWD}/${HOSTFILE} ${FOAM_APPBIN}/${SOLVER} -parallel
exit $?

You will also find further information at:

Alternatively, you can try to compile MPICH from source. I've been able to run v1.2.7p1 without any dramas. This is quite straightforward if you take a look at the Allwmake scripts in $WM_THIRD_PARTY.

Hope this helps...
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Old   January 18, 2010, 09:10
Default Problem with openFoam and SGE
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Hello to all,

I'm trying to run openFoam on a SGE Sun Cluster. When running the job on parallel in a single node, everything works. But when trying to run the same job on different nodes, I get the following error message:

PHP Code:
  1 Warningno access to tty (Bad file descriptor).
2 Thus no job control in this shell.
3 Host key verification failed.^M
5 A daemon (pid 21783died unexpectedly with status 255 while attempting
  6 to launch so we are aborting
  8 There may be more information reported by the environment 
(see above).
 10 This may be because the daemon was unable to find all the needed shared
 11 libraries on the remote node
You may set your LD_LIBRARY_PATH to have the
 12 location of the shared libraries on the remote nodes 
and this will
 13 automatically be forwarded to the remote nodes
14 --------------------------------------------------------------------------
15 --------------------------------------------------------------------------
16 mpirun noticed that the job abortedbut has no info as to the process
 17 that caused that situation
18 --------------------------------------------------------------------------
19 mpirunclean termination accomplished 
To submmit the job I'm using the command qsub with the following script:

# This is a simple example of a SGE batch script
#$-o /nfs/home/cardenas/Documents/OpenFOAM/Cases/Platte/Laenge120mm/Pulsierend/eps ilon2 -j y
#$-N epsilon2
#$-pe batch_64_2 2
#$-S /bin/tcsh
touch $HOME/.ssh/known_hosts
cd /nfs/home/cardenas/Documents/OpenFOAM/Cases/Platte/Laenge120mm/Pulsierend/epsilon2
touch -a ./*.*
touch -a ./system/*
source /nfs/home/cardenas/OpenFOAM/OpenFOAM-1.6.x/etc/cshrc
cat $PE_HOSTFILE |awk '{ print $1 " cpu=" $2}' > $HOME/mpi/machines.LINUX.$JOB_ID
sleep 10;
mpirun --hostfile $HOME/mpi/machines.LINUX.$JOB_ID -np 2 icoFoam -parallel >log


It seems that something with the Host Keys is not working properly, but since I'm not expirienced in SGE, I would appreciete any suggestions and hints. Thank you very much

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Old   January 19, 2010, 04:10
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Mark Olesen
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Originally Posted by carmir View Post
Hello to all,

I'm trying to run openFoam on a SGE Sun Cluster. When running the job on parallel in a single node, everything works.
There are a myriad of things that could be going wrong.
The very first thing it to determine if GridEngine support has been compiled into your openmpi.

Use the command "ompi_info" to list all the backends and grep for gridengine. If it's not there, you should recompile openmpi using the --with-sge configure option (see the third-party Allwmake).

Originally Posted by carmir View Post
touch $HOME/.ssh/known_hosts
^^^ what is this? Touching a file into existence doesn't make the hosts known!

Originally Posted by carmir View Post
cat $PE_HOSTFILE |awk '{ print $1 " cpu=" $2}' > $HOME/mpi/machines.LINUX.$JOB_ID
mpirun --hostfile $HOME/mpi/machines.LINUX.$JOB_ID -np 2 icoFoam -parallel >log
If you have GridEngine and the openmpi is configured to use it, you should not be using--hostfile or -np. The GridEngine already knows how many slots you have (which would be $NSLOTS in your script), and it knows the host names too. It should also take care of inheriting the environment as well.

If the final backend uses rsh, ssh, or the GridEngine builtin transport will depend on what you have configured as the 'rsh_command' and 'rsh_daemon' in GridEngine.

BTW: your example is using cshell. Be certain that the queue is configured with the corresponding shell_start_mode. Be default this will be 'posix_compliant' (ie, use /bin/sh) and not 'unix_behavior' (ie, use #! to determine the shell/program).
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Old   October 27, 2011, 11:03
Default Pending but not running
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I also tried to run OpenFoam in parallel with SGE.
I use the following script to submit the job:
#$ -V
###set queue
#$ -q normal
### number of processors and parallel environment
#$ -pe OpenFOAM 4

#$ -S /bin/csh

### Job name
#$ -N "mypartest"
### Start from current working directory
#$ -cwd
source ./soft/OpenFOAM/OpenFOAM-2.0.0/etc/cshrc

### Run application

mpirun -np ${NSLOTS} pisoFoam -parallel
I get the following error:

xhost: Command not found.

: Command not found.

: Command not found.

: Command not found.

: Command not found.

: No such file or directory.

I don´t know why the grid engine can´t find the command.

Does anybody have an idea why it doesn’t work? Or are there any settings I have to modify?

I´m thankful for any help


Last edited by schteff; November 21, 2011 at 05:26.
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Old   May 4, 2012, 12:56
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Ricardo Reis
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Originally Posted by 4xF View Post
3) Submit your job with (for example with a run on 8 cores):
where contains:
#$ -V
### number of processors and parallel environment
#$ -pe orte 8
### Job name
#$ -N "mypartest"
### Start from current working directory
#$ -cwd
### Generate the hostfile
awk '{print $1" cpu=1"}' ${PE_HOSTFILE} > ${PWD}/${HOSTFILE}
### Run application
${MPI_ARCH_PATH}/bin/mpirun -np ${NSLOTS} --hostfile ${PWD}/${HOSTFILE} ${FOAM_APPBIN}/${SOLVER} -parallel
exit $?
If you change the submit script to have

awk '{print $1" cpu="$2}' ${PE_HOSTFILE} > ${PWD}/${HOSTFILE}
it will become more general. Nice hack thx
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Old   May 4, 2012, 12:57
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Ricardo Reis
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Originally Posted by schteff View Post

I also tried to run OpenFoam in parallel with SGE.
I use the following script to submit the job:
#$ -V
###set queue
#$ -q normal
### number of processors and parallel environment
#$ -pe OpenFOAM 4

#$ -S /bin/csh

### Job name
#$ -N "mypartest"
### Start from current working directory
#$ -cwd
source ./soft/OpenFOAM/OpenFOAM-2.0.0/etc/cshrc

### Run application

mpirun -np ${NSLOTS} pisoFoam -parallel
I get the following error:

xhost: Command not found.

: Command not found.

: Command not found.

: Command not found.

: Command not found.

: No such file or directory.

I don´t know why the grid engine can´t find the command.

Does anybody have an idea why it doesn’t work? Or are there any settings I have to modify?

I´m thankful for any help


what is the full path to the OpenFOAM dir? maybe just


without the initial . ?
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Old   August 22, 2012, 10:27
Default solution to "Host key verification failed"
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Timo Kulju
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If somebody is having problems with host-keys, adding a line
StrictHostKeyChecking no
at the end of
-file and restarting ssh-daemon from the computing nodes should fix it. Of course SGE has to know, that you're using ssh for communication instead rsh. This can be done by specifying
export OMPI_MCA_orte_rsh_agent=ssh
in the run script.
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