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How to sum up scalarField

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Old   March 14, 2008, 08:50
Default Hi, I'm trying to write a new
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Christian Wesemeyer
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I'm trying to write a new boundary condition where I can use the result of the algebraic solution for the velocity profile of a fluid in a square duct.

The analytical solution includes two summation loops, which I've tried to implement by two for-loops.

My problem is, that in every looping-step I need to calculate the sinus of a product between the magnitue of a VectorField and a scalar and sum this up.

As far as I've understood it the mag(VectorField) gives me a ScalarField as output, but when I try to sum up the so calculated scalarFields my calculation always aborts.

I've already tried to eliminate all other possible reasons for the abortion and if I don't try to sum up the calculated ScalarFields everything works fine.

Is there any kind to "sum-function" included in openfoam or how can I solve this problem?

I've already searched the forum and the Doxygen, but the later looks very cryptic for me (I think, because I'm quite new to openFoam and C++).

Thanks in advance

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Old   August 19, 2019, 18:11
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I am facing a similar problem. Any suggestions?
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Old   August 19, 2019, 18:30
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Peter Hess
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Well, may be I am not able to give you a direct answer, but at least I could give you plan B to overcome the chalange...

After finishing the simulation, you could open the case using paraView, isolate the data you want to manipulate, export the data to openOffice and there you could manipulate the data the way you want...

To do that make the following steps:

- Open the case using paraFoam

- Mark the boundary (or region) you want the data to be taken from

- At the left side of the GUI of paraFoam click splite horizontal

- In the new opened window choose SpreadSheet View

- From attribute choose the poit or cell data as needed

- You will see a list with all loaded variables

- At the right side choose export SpreadSheet

- Give the file a name

- Open the file using excel

- Manipulate as you want and have fun



Last edited by peterhess; August 20, 2019 at 16:59.
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