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Dynamic moving mesh

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Old   March 5, 2008, 17:14
Default Hi Paul, I think we should
Jan Goebel
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jango is on a distinguished road
Hi Paul,

I think we should check out the case on monday. Maybe you should change the time step (because of the time step continuity errors), let`s check all data and compare it to the Fluent- case.
Great job, so far, I know this case is a little complicated ;-)



P.S.:Have a nice weekend
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Old   June 12, 2008, 12:26
Default Hi Paul & Jan I wanted to a
David Hora
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Hi Paul & Jan

I wanted to ask if you have found a solution in the meantime. I'm having a similar problem with stitchMesh which is basically a static sliding interface.

I want to simulate an impeller with MRFSimpleFOAM. My mesh consists of 3 parts (InletTube, Impeller and Volute) which were merged into one case. I'm using OpenFOAM-1.4.1-dev from powerlab and was able to stitch the mesh between InletTube and Impeller. Unfortunately I get the following error message when I try to stitch the mesh between Impeller and Volute:

Create mesh for time = 0

Resulting (internal) faces will be in faceZone IMPELLEROUTLETVOLUTEINLETCutFaceZone

Note: the overall area covered by both patches should be identical ("integral" interface).
If this is not the case use the -partial option

Adding point and face zones
Reading all current volfields

--> FOAM FATAL ERROR : Cannot determine best atan point. Doing face: 6(1772575 1772576 2344107 2335573 2335572 2344108) Cur point: 2336994 Next points: 3(2336995 322249 322274)

From function void enrichedPatch::calcCutFaces() const
in file slidingInterface/enrichedPatch/enrichedPatchCutFaces.C at line 277.

FOAM aborting

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Old   September 22, 2009, 14:59
Gautami Erukulla
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I am using OpenfOAM 1-5 on linux suse 10.3.

I could successfully execute the movingCone case in icoDyMFoam. And now I am trying to implement the same on a rectangular domain with four sides:-inletwall outletwall topwall and bottomwall.
I am trying to move the inlet wall with a constant velocity.But after running the case when I see the results the inlet wall moves and as it moves it compresses by domain.
My computational domain gets compressed and reduces in size.
Can someone please guide me.

Thank you,
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Old   December 30, 2010, 13:32
Default Cannot Determine Best Atan Point
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ubaid is on a distinguished road
Hello Everybody,

I am trying to rotate a wheel inside a room. To deal with motion, i am using slidingInterface and icoDyMFoam solver.

But unfortunately i am stuck to a problem at the very beginning of the simulation and the is the following one.

Cannot determine best atan point. Doing face: 8(1859704 1859968 1859701 1859967 16123 16130 1859969 1859970) Cur point: 1859970 Next points: 4(1859704 1859969 1859968 585674)

From function void enrichedPatch::calcCutFaces() const
in file polyMeshModifiers/slidingInterface/enrichedPatch/enrichedPatchCutFaces.C at line 277.

FOAM aborting

I tried to grasp at the code but still dint understand it. Can anyone please let me know, how could I handle this case. There is a problem with my mesh or with something else.

Best Regards,
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Old   June 7, 2012, 11:04
Join Date: Nov 2011
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sunliming is on a distinguished road
Hi Niklas,
I'm quite interested in the channel flow with a vibrating 'floor' case, 'cause I'm working on a similar simulation described below:
I am doing a LES simulation of flow over a flexible wall undergoing a streamwise travelling wave motion, the lower boundary of the domain is shown in the picture below. The elevation of the lower wall is a function of both time and space, i.e. y_wall=amplitude*sin[k(x-ct)], where c is the phase speed and k is frequency, which means every point of the lower boundary oscillates up and down its own equilibrium position with different phase angle.
So how can I deal with such kind of boundary motion and corresponding dynamic mesh?
Any suggestion will be appreciated!
Tongji University,

Shanghai, China,
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