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Please confirm current InterDvMFoam capabilities in 2D

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Old   July 25, 2008, 15:22
Default I would just like to confirm t
Adam Donaldson
Join Date: Mar 2009
Location: Ottawa, Ontario, Canada
Posts: 37
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adona058 is on a distinguished road
I would just like to confirm the current capabilities of the new dynamic meshing interDvMFoam solver based on some errors that I have been receiving.

While the solver handles mesh motion in both 2 and 3-D simulations, the dynamic mesh refinement/coarsening is only enabled for 3-D cases.

I have tried implementing this for a 2-D case, and received an error related to only 6 points being defined for the cells being refined. I know that there are functions capable of identifying when a mesh is 2-D or 3-D, and it would be possible for the adaptive meshing to change it's behaviour accordingly. However, as the tutorials provided only include the 3-D version of the dam-breaking example for a dynamic refinement example, I am assuming that the 2-D capability does not exist.

If I am incorrect, and enabling the model in 2-D requires only the inclusion of some parameter, then I would appreciate it if someone would provide some detail on what modifications need to be performed to the dictionary file.

Regardless, the adaptive meshing is a feature that has been a long time in coming, and I send out my thanks to those individuals who implemented it and have made it so straightforward to apply.
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