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Please explain the implementation of species transport Eqn in reactingFoam

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Old   October 13, 2008, 08:29
Default I had been working with the bu
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I had been working with the buoyantFoam solver. I have succeeded in implementing buoyantFoam solver with SIMPLE Algorithm. Now I want to add species transport equation to the buoyant Solver.

On way, I stumbled upon the rectingFoam solver where a generic species transport equation is implemented in $FOAM_SOLVER/combustion/reactingFoam/YEqn.H

Can someone please explain how this implementation takes care of change in enthalpy due to species transport?

My first impression was that the implementation was faulty, but I later realized that the in the createField.H file, the implementation of species also include the enthalpy of the gas.

combustionMixture& composition = thermo->composition();
PtrList<volscalarfield>& Y = composition.Y();

word inertSpecie(thermo->lookup("inertSpecie"));

Further, in the YEqn.H a new convectionScheme is inherited from the "fv" class called mvConvection, which defines Yi_h. So, somehow the enthalpy is included in the implementation but is very elusive to my inexperienced eyes.

Can someone please help me understand it better?

(**The implementation looks very native to hCombustionThermo.)
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mvconvection, reactingfoam

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