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InterDyMFoam in 15dev keyword agglomerator is undefined in dictionary

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Old   February 16, 2009, 11:17
Default Dear all, I don't know why
Edin Berberovic
Join Date: Mar 2009
Posts: 31
Rep Power: 17
eberberovic is on a distinguished road
Dear all,

I don't know why this post was not delivered, so I am posting again.
I have compiled the sources of 1.5-dev (the last revision from svn) using the system gcc-compiler (ver. 4.2.1 on openSuSE 10.3 64-bit), there were no problems. I have also recompiled the whole with gcc-4.3.1. Compilations gave no errors and foamInstalationTest also says that all is OK.

When I run the damBreakWithObstacle tutorial with interDyMFoam, the calculation starts, but I obtain the following error:

keyword agglomerator is undefined in dictionary ""

file: from line 0 to line 0.

From function dictionary::lookupEntry(const word& keyword) const
in file db/dictionary/dictionary.C at line 213.

FOAM exiting

This error happens exactly when the application tries to solve for pdFinal. I commented out the lines in pEqn.H where pdFinal is solved, and let the last PISO iteration solve for pd using the same solver as the previous ones. But then the first time step is calculated fine, and at the beginning of the second time step I obtain the same error. (In 1.5.x this error does not occur.)

Then I used the old PCG solver settings (from 1.4.1-dev). The calculation started, but it crashed after 2 time steps on too large Co-number. Does anybody have any idea on this?. Thanks in advance.

Best Regards,
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