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MergeMesh and stitchMesh

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Old   June 1, 2015, 11:07
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Balkrishna Patankar
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This is after a long time. Have you found any solution for this ? I have the same issue of generation of internal faces with mergeMesh and have not found a solution to stitch them.
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Old   May 16, 2020, 08:58
Post Union of two cylinders with BlockMesh
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Andres Aguirre
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Good morning to everybody.
after trying various tools to generate an optimal mesh to correctly represent my model scenario (Salome, snappy), I have come to the conclusion that the most convenient and efficient way is to use just blockMesh.

I have followed the pipe tutorial in the / tutorials / mesh / blockMesh / pipe in great detail, where a pipe is generated by following a .obj curve. After adapting the tutorial to my geometry I execute the command "blockMesh" to generate my mesh and I find the error that I attach in the image.

Do you have any idea why this is happening?
How could I solve my problem?
Thank you.

PS: I have attached the following information
1- .zip that contains the case folder
2- inside the case folder there is another folder called salome, where every geometry involved in the case is presented

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Old   September 10, 2020, 08:31
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Lasse Brams Vinther
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Hello Andres,

The issue is that when using blockMesh and defining different hexes the interfacing blocks have to be equal. The error code state that you have inconsistent number of faces between block pair 0 and 1, meaning that the following doesn't connect correctly as the the block in the connecting plane fx xy plane is not equal (cells in x and y directions must be equal.

From you blockmesh code block pair 0 and 1 is defined as:

	hex (v30 v42 v43 v31 v49 v51 v52 v50) (8   10   8) simpleGrading (1   1   1) // caja ventosa
	hex (v6  v18 v19 v7  v30 v42 v43 v31) (10  100 10) simpleGrading (1   0.1   1) // Caja bajo la ventosa
And i believe that hex0 is on top of hex1 therefore the block (8 10 8) must be the same as (10 100 10), by changing it to fx the following:

	hex (v30 v42 v43 v31 v49 v51 v52 v50) (8   10   8) simpleGrading (1   1   1) // caja ventosa
	hex (v6  v18 v19 v7  v30 v42 v43 v31) (8  10 10) simpleGrading (1   1   1) // Caja bajo la ventosa
The same counts for the simpleGrading.
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