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SemiImplicitSource for geostrophic wind with a target function?

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Old   October 9, 2024, 10:36
Default SemiImplicitSource for geostrophic wind with a target function?
Senior Member
M. Montero
Join Date: Mar 2009
Location: Madrid
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be_inspired is on a distinguished road
Hi all,

I am trying to simulate atmospheric boundary layer, firstly focused on the atmFlatTerrain tutorial. I have seen that SemiImplicitSource is used to define the pressure gradient along the domain to obtain the geostrophic wind of 17.5 m/s. What I want is to obtain a specific wind magnitude and wind direction at a specific location of the domain.
I see that it is done within SOWFA directly in the solver ( drivingForce ) but I want the workflow to work with OF2212 and next releases, so, using a fvOption.

I tried modifying meanVelocicityForce to calculate the pressure gradient required to obtain the target velocity at the specific point I want ( not a scalar, but a vector). After that, apply that pressure gradient to the whole domain. The meanVelocityForce code is easier to manage than the SemiExplicitSource.

Any idea how SemiImplicitSource can be modified to accept a target velocity so the input can be automatically updated to converge to the target velocity?

Best Regards
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