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Did anyone had success to generate free water surface waves from wind in Openfoam?

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Old   October 5, 2024, 16:32
Default Did anyone had success to generate free water surface waves from wind in Openfoam?
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Lupo Ci
Join Date: Aug 2010
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Dear all,

Did anyone had success to generate free water surface waves from wind in a long channel with Openfoam? How does VOF performs for this problem? Clearly, the channel needs to be long enough so that some fetch is present. Mesh needs to be refined on the water surface. From Miles (1957) and Phillips (1957) theory , waves are generated by a resonant phenomena. From that link: The Phillips mechanism assumes that turbulent eddies in the atmospheric boundary layer induce pressure fluctuations at the sea surface. "The Phillips mechanism is generally assumed to be important in the first stages of wave growth, whereas the Miles mechanism is important in later stages where the wave growth becomes exponential in time." So at least initially when water surface is flat, reproducing correct turbulent pressure fluctuations seems to be important to generate the instability at the surface. After wave is generated, inviscid Miles theory seems to predict growth well. Would I need LES or is it possible to generate wave heights and wavelenght with values close to literature values with k-omega SST? What I found in Komen (1994) is that analtyical theory based on "mixing length modelling fails for low-frequency waves". I cannot find any numerical paper usign 3D models to generate wind waves on the water surface, but maybe I am using the wrong keywords. The only thread I found on this forum is this, which is not providing any information: Simulation of waves on a Water Surface.

Komen et al., Dynamics and modelling of ocean waves, 1994.
Other references in Wikipedia link above
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