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Running Custom FiniteVolume Library replacing the out-of-the-box library on cluster

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Old   July 1, 2024, 07:12
Default Running Custom FiniteVolume Library replacing the out-of-the-box library on cluster
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Adwaith Nath
Join Date: May 2021
Location: St John's, Canada
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I am trying to modify the MRF implementation in the finiteVolume library to incorporate the change in axis and origin with motion of a connected body.

As the library is a base library, the method I used to use the modifications is to build the whole finiteVolume library in $FOAM_USER_LIBBIN and use the same name as the original finiteVolume library i.e. "". As OpenFOAM searches the $FOAM_USER_LIBBIN first before the $FOAM_LIBBIN, my custom finiteVolume library is loaded and used in place of the in-built library. Another way I did this is to put the library in the folder and add it to the start of $LD_LIBRARY_PATH.

All the above methods work on my local computer. But when I try this on the cluster (supercomputer), it always loads the out-of-the-box / in-built version of finiteVolume. Could someone explain why this is happening and also probably suggest a better way to load and use my custom finiteVolume library in place of the in-built version on a cluster.

Kind regards
Adwaith Nath
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finitevolume, programming, super-computer

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