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chtmultiRegion case is not generating sets folder in postprocessing |
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March 13, 2024, 13:18 |
chtmultiRegion case is not generating sets folder in postprocessing
#1 |
Senior Member
Alan w
Join Date: Feb 2021
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Using the data in the sets folder, OpenFOAM creates streamlines. But while my case shows the postprocessing folder, it does not contain sets, so I can't generate streamlines. This is my preferred way to do it, as the ParaView streamlines don't work very well.
I have another case where everything works properly, but in this one, it does not, and I can't find the difference. Attached is the run log, and here is the controlDict file: Code:
FoamFile { version 2.0; format ascii; class dictionary; location "system"; object controlDict; } // * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * // application chtMultiRegionFoam; startFrom latestTime; startTime 0; stopAt endTime; //endTime 2000; endTime 50; deltaT 1; writeControl timeStep; writeInterval 5; purgeWrite 0; writeFormat ascii; writePrecision 6; writeCompression off; timeFormat general; timePrecision 6; runTimeModifiable true; functions { #include "streamLines" #include "cuttingPlane" #include "forceCoeffs" FieldsMinMax // monitor { type fieldMinMax; functionObjectLibs ("libfieldFunctionObjects.so"); region fluid; enabled true; mode component; writeControl timeStep; writeInterval 5; // output every 5 time steps, change as needed log true; fields (p U k); // list of any fields you want to monitor } FreeMemorySystemCall // memory { type systemCall; region fluid; libs ("libutilityFunctionObjects.so"); executeCalls (); writeCalls ("free"); endCalls (); writeControl timeStep; writeInterval 50; // Set the interval as required } all { log no; enabled yes; type forceCoeffs; region fluid; functionObjectLibs ( "libforces.so"); patches (fuselage spinner lips fairing flap); rho rhoInf; rhoInf 1.205; //porosity no; CofR ( 0 0 0); liftDir ( 0 0 1); dragDir ( 1 0 0); pitchAxis ( 0 1 0); magUInf 30; lRef 1; Aref 1; writeControl timeStep; writeInterval 1; } yplus { type yPlus; functionObjectLibs ("libfieldFunctionObjects.so"); region fluid; enabled true; writeControl outputTime; } #includeEtc "caseDicts/postProcessing/visualization/streamlines.cfg" } I don't know what to make of this. My other case with essentially the same controlDict has none of these errors. I hope that someone can spot my error and get me going again! |
March 13, 2024, 14:06 |
#2 |
Senior Member
Alan w
Join Date: Feb 2021
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Actually, the problem is related either to the loft, or the BCs, so the battle goes on.
March 13, 2024, 14:14 |
#3 |
Senior Member
Alan w
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Here is the new run log; if anyone can make sense of it please let me know!
It fails with this message: Code:
Energy -> temperature conversion failed to converge: iter Test e/h Cv/p Tnew 0 221.394 156299 1002.05 251.2 1 251.2 215170 1006.19 222.374 . . . Thanks, everyone! |
March 13, 2024, 14:16 |
#4 |
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Alan w
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Interestingly, it ran to the end with a different set of BCs. Does this imply that the loft is okay? If so, I am again left at my wits end.
March 13, 2024, 14:41 |
#5 |
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Alan w
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If anyone is inclined to help me out of my misery, I would be delighted to post my case on dropbox.
April 7, 2024, 14:59 |
continuing problem with sets folder wrt streamlines
#6 |
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Alan w
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In the process of running a simpleFoam case to debug my chtmultiRegion case, I need to create streamlines to visualize flow. The native OpenFOAM streamline function works far better than the paraview version, so I always try to use it.
This requires a sets folder to be created under postProcessing. But in my current simulation, the sets folder is not being created, and for the life of me, I cannot understand why. I am using a previous successful case as a template, but when I run the new one, the sets folder is absent. Can someone tell me what it is that triggers the creation of the sets folder? |
April 7, 2024, 15:45 |
more info on streamline problem
#7 |
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Alan w
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Just to follow up, in the problematic case, this appears in the run log:
streamLine streamLines write: seeded 0 particles Tracks:0 Total samples:0 Code:
treamLine streamLines write: seeded 60 particles Tracks:60 Total samples:28805 |
April 10, 2024, 14:58 |
problem solved! But now I have a new one: no postProcessing folder is created
#8 |
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Alan w
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My problem was that there was no 'sets' folder under the 'postProcessing' folder, when I was trying to implement streamlines. Finally, I found this procedure:
Enter 'foamGet streamlines' at the command prompt in the run folder. Then it asks it you want option (1) or (2). I selected (1). This created a file 'streamlines' in the system directory. Note that the streamline function also uses a file 'streamLines' in the same directory. Previously, I had always used the latter file, but found that I could edit the 'streamlines' file, and the upshot was that the desired 'sets' folder was now created! It is an oddity that both 'streamlines' and 'streamLines' can be used, but this is indicative of the committee nature of the OpenFoam programming culture. New problem: this was all in relation to a simpleFoam case that I was using to debug my multiregionFoam case. So, after getting it to work, I transported the appropriate files to my multiregion case. Now, I find that when running it, no postProcessing folder is created at all! I'm still searching for the cause, but if anyone has guidance, I would be grateful! |
April 11, 2024, 06:32 |
#9 | |
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Hello Alan,
When using function objects on a multiregion case, you should define in which region the function should be applied, using the "region" parameter in the function definition. E.g.: Code:
region fluid; Quote:
type streamLine; The name of the files itself does not matter, it could be streamLines, streamline.cfg, streamlines.whatever, foobar, it would still work as long as the files contains the proper code snippets and are properly included where it is required. These predefined files are just a trick to avoid having to define the function by yourself but you can also totally avoid using these files, and define the function yourself in the controlDict file (or in whatever file you will then include in the controlDict) Regards, Yann |
April 11, 2024, 15:38 |
Can't find the magic key to get the case to work!
#10 |
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Alan w
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Hi Yann,
Thanks for the reply! Still it doesn't work. There is inconsistency between some of the cases you have helped me with. First, I have a simple template case, which is chtMultiRegionFoam simulation run in parallel, which you may still have. It works great, and here is the applicable part of the run parallel script: Code:
mpirun -np 8 chtMultiRegionFoam -parallel | tee run.log Now regarding my current chtMultiRegion case, I first ran it as a simpleFoam case without the heat exchanger. I was struggling with streamlines, and finally got it to work. Here is the controlDict: Code:
functions { #include "streamLines" #include "cuttingPlane" #include "forceCoeffs" FieldsMinMax // monitor { type fieldMinMax; functionObjectLibs ("libfieldFunctionObjects.so"); enabled true; mode component; writeControl timeStep; writeInterval 5; // output every 5 time steps, change as needed log true; fields (p U k epsilon); // list of any fields you want to monitor } FreeMemorySystemCall // memory { type systemCall; libs ("libutilityFunctionObjects.so"); executeCalls (); writeCalls ("free"); endCalls (); writeControl timeStep; writeInterval 50; // Set the interval as required } #includeFunc streamlines } btw, the streamlines.cfg file reads as: Code:
type streamLine; libs ("libfieldFunctionObjects.so"); executeControl writeTime; writeControl writeTime; setFormat vtk; lifeTime 10000; nSubCycle 5; cloudName particleTracks; Then, I took the simpleFoam case and adapted it to be a chtMultiRegion case. It is set up as a serial run, and only works if the run script contains: Code:
chtMultiRegionFoam | tee run.log If I edit the run script as follows: Code:
chtMultiRegionFoam -postProcess -region fluid | tee run.log If you have a slot in your busy schedule to have a look, the case can be found here: https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/09w9b...950pnwdv6&dl=0 |
April 12, 2024, 12:13 |
#11 |
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Hello Alan,
I feel like you are getting confused by the function objects and the different ways to use it. Let's untangle your setup. Here is the first line of the functions section in your controlDict: Code:
#include "streamLines" In your system directory, there is a streamlines rather than a streamLines file. This should not work, my best guess is that you are using WSL and since Windows is not case sensitive it does not make a difference between streamLines and streamlines. Alright so if you remove all the functions from your controlDict except the #include "streamLines" bit, you will notice the solver is not happy with it as it throws a bunch of errors: Code:
PIMPLE: Region fluid PIMPLE: No convergence criteria found PIMPLE: Region solid PIMPLE: No convergence criteria found PIMPLE: Operating solver in steady-state mode with 1 outer corrector PIMPLE: Operating solver in SIMPLE mode Region: fluid Courant Number mean: 90.0808 max: 1.33005e+06 Region: solid Courant Number mean: 0.437445 max: 0.524934 --> FOAM Warning : From function bool Foam::functionObjectList::read() in file db/functionObjects/functionObjectList/functionObjectList.C at line 807 Reading "/mnt/c/Users/Yann/OpenFOAM-8-run/meredith-half-en-almostworks/system/controlDict" from line 17 to line 120 Entry type is not a dictionary --> FOAM Warning : From function bool Foam::functionObjectList::read() in file db/functionObjects/functionObjectList/functionObjectList.C at line 807 Reading "/mnt/c/Users/Yann/OpenFOAM-8-run/meredith-half-en-almostworks/system/controlDict" from line 17 to line 120 Entry executeControl is not a dictionary --> FOAM Warning : From function bool Foam::functionObjectList::read() in file db/functionObjects/functionObjectList/functionObjectList.C at line 807 Reading "/mnt/c/Users/Yann/OpenFOAM-8-run/meredith-half-en-almostworks/system/controlDict" from line 17 to line 120 Entry writeControl is not a dictionary --> FOAM Warning : From function bool Foam::functionObjectList::read() in file db/functionObjects/functionObjectList/functionObjectList.C at line 807 Reading "/mnt/c/Users/Yann/OpenFOAM-8-run/meredith-half-en-almostworks/system/controlDict" from line 17 to line 120 Entry setFormat is not a dictionary [...] Code:
/*--------------------------------*- C++ -*----------------------------------*\ ========= | \\ / F ield | OpenFOAM: The Open Source CFD Toolbox \\ / O peration | Website: https://openfoam.org \\ / A nd | Version: 8 \\/ M anipulation | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Description Writes out files of streamlines with interpolated field data in VTK format. \*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ Alan_function { #includeEtc "caseDicts/postProcessing/visualization/streamlines.cfg" fields (U p); // Streamline direction: forward, backward, both direction forward; // Select from methods with sub-dictionary settings below seedMethod lineUniform; // Seeding along a line lineCell { type lineCell; // lineCellFace, lineFace start (0 -1 1); end (0 1 1); } // I removed the rest so it's easier to read... } You can have a look at this file using this command for instance: Code:
nano FOAM_ETC/caseDicts/postProcessing/visualization/streamlines.cfg Code:
Alan_function { type streamLine; libs ("libfieldFunctionObjects.so"); executeControl writeTime; writeControl writeTime; setFormat vtk; lifeTime 10000; nSubCycle 5; cloudName particleTracks; fields (U p); // Streamline direction: forward, backward, both direction forward; // Select from methods with sub-dictionary settings below seedMethod lineUniform; // Seeding along a line lineCell { type lineCell; // lineCellFace, lineFace start (0 -1 1); end (0 1 1); } // I removed the rest so it's easier to read... } Code:
Region: fluid Courant Number mean: 90.0808 max: 1.33005e+06 Region: solid Courant Number mean: 0.437445 max: 0.524934 --> FOAM Warning : From function bool Foam::functionObjectList::read() in file db/functionObjects/functionObjectList/functionObjectList.C at line 871 Caught FatalError --> FOAM FATAL ERROR: request for objectRegistry region0 from objectRegistry meredith-half-en-almostworks failed available objects of type objectRegistry are 2 ( fluid solid ) From function const Type& Foam::objectRegistry::lookupObject(const Foam::word&) const [with Type = Foam::objectRegistry] in file /home/ubuntu/OpenFOAM/OpenFOAM-8/src/OpenFOAM/lnInclude/objectRegistryTemplates.C at line 211. Code:
This is why you had some functions working with simpleFoam but not chtMultiRegionFoam: the region parameter was not defined, and it is obviously only required on multi region cases. The #includeEtc, or #includeFunc directives are meant to be a handy way to get default functions settings, which you are supposed to adjust to your case if needed. You can have a look in the section 6.2.2 of the user guide for more details: https://doc.cfd.direct/openfoam/user...processing-cli I hope this made things a bit clearer. Yann |
April 19, 2024, 11:37 |
Made some progress, but there is still a streamlines problem
#12 |
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Alan w
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Hi Yann,
Finally I managed to get the streamlines working, although this was with the system folder containing a stream*l*ine file, rather than stream*L*ine. If I used the latter, no sets folder was created. I followed your advice, editing the files to add the fluid region to my multiregion case, including cuttingPlane, forceCoeffs and streamline. Here is the text for controlDict: Code:
application chtMultiRegionFoam; startFrom latestTime; startTime 0; stopAt endTime; endTime 12; deltaT 1; writeControl timeStep; writeInterval 10; purgeWrite 0; writeFormat binary; writePrecision 6; writeCompression off; timeFormat general; timePrecision 6; runTimeModifiable true; functions { #includeFunc streamlines //#include "streamLines" #include "cuttingPlane" #include "forceCoeffs" FieldsMinMax // monitor { type fieldMinMax; functionObjectLibs ("libfieldFunctionObjects.so"); region fluid; enabled true; mode component; writeControl timeStep; writeInterval 5; // output every 5 time steps, change as needed log true; fields (p U k epsilon); // list of any fields you want to monitor } FreeMemorySystemCall // memory { type systemCall; region fluid; libs ("libutilityFunctionObjects.so"); executeCalls (); writeCalls ("free"); endCalls (); writeControl timeStep; writeInterval 12; // Set the interval as required } yplus { type yPlus; functionObjectLibs ("libfieldFunctionObjects.so"); region fluid; enabled true; writeControl outputTime; } } Code:
forceCoeffs1 { type forceCoeffs; libs ("libforces.so"); region fluid; writeControl writeTime; writeFields true; patches (fuselage spinner lips fairing radiator-interface edges trailingedge); p p; U U; rho rhoInf; // Indicates incompressible rhoInf 1; // Redundant for incompressible liftDir (0 0 1); dragDir (1 0 0); CofR (2.0 0 0); // Axle midpoint on ground pitchAxis (0 1 0); magUInf 40.0; lRef 6.071; // Wheelbase length Aref 2.2803; // Estimated binData { nBin 20; // output data into 20 bins direction (1 0 0); // bin direction cumulative yes; } } Code:
#includeEtc "caseDicts/postProcessing/visualization/streamlines.cfg" fields (U); //(U p) region fluid; // Streamline direction: forward, backward, both direction forward; // Select from methods with sub-dictionary settings below seedMethod lineUniform; // Seeding along a line lineUniform { type lineUniform; start (1.37 -.095 -.57); end (1.37 -.095 -.68); nPoints 50; } // Seeding within a volume region boxUniform { type boxUniform; box (-1 -1 -1) (1 1 1); nPoints (3 3 3); } sphereRandom { type sphereRandom; centre (0 0 0); radius 1; nPoints 50; } // Seeding at points on a surface triSurfaceMesh { type triSurfaceMesh; surface "surfaceMeshFile.obj"; // in constant/triSurface directory } // Seeding at a boundary boundaryRandom { type boundaryRandom; patches (patch1 patch2); nPoints 50; } // Seeding a set of points points { type points; points ( (0 -1 1) (0 0 1) (0 1 1) ); ordered on; } boundaryPoints { type boundaryPoints; points ( (0 -1 1) (0 0 1) (0 1 1) ); maxDistance 1; } // DO NOT REMOVE from END of file; sets the seedSampleSet seedSampleSet { ${$seedMethod}; axis x; } Code:
Create time Create fluid mesh for region fluid for time = 0 Create fluid mesh for region solid for time = 0 *** Reading fluid mesh thermophysical properties for region fluid Adding to thermoFluid Selecting thermodynamics package { type heRhoThermo; mixture pureMixture; transport polynomial; thermo hPolynomial; equationOfState icoPolynomial; specie specie; energy sensibleEnthalpy; } Adding to rhoFluid Adding to UFluid Adding to phiFluid Adding to gFluid Adding to hRefFluid Adding to pRefFluid Adding to ghFluid Adding to ghfFluid Adding to turbulenceFluid Selecting turbulence model type RAS Selecting RAS turbulence model kEpsilon RAS { model kEpsilon; turbulence on; printCoeffs on; Cmu 0.09; C1 1.44; C2 1.92; C3 0; sigmak 1; sigmaEps 1.3; } Adding to thermophysicalTransport Selecting thermophysical transport type RAS Selecting default RAS thermophysical transport model eddyDiffusivity Adding to reactionFluid Combustion model not active: combustionProperties not found Selecting combustion model none Adding to radiationFluid Radiation model not active: radiationProperties not found Selecting radiationModel none Adding to KFluid Adding to dpdtFluid Adding to fieldsFluid Adding MRF No MRF models present Adding fvOptions Creating finite volume options from "constant/fvOptions" Selecting finite volume options model type constantHeatTransfer Source: fluidTosolid Selecting finite volume options model type interRegionExplicitPorositySource Source: porosityBlockage - selecting inter region mapping Creating mesh-to-mesh addressing for fluid and solid regions using cellVolumeWeight Overlap volume: 0.00219013 Selecting finite volume options model type limitTemperature Source: limitT - selecting all cells - selected 154985 cell(s) with volume 6368.32 *** Reading fluid mesh thermophysical properties for region solid Adding to thermoFluid Selecting thermodynamics package { type heRhoThermo; mixture pureMixture; transport polynomial; thermo hPolynomial; equationOfState icoPolynomial; specie specie; energy sensibleEnthalpy; } Adding to rhoFluid Adding to UFluid Adding to phiFluid Adding to gFluid Adding to hRefFluid Adding to pRefFluid Adding to ghFluid Adding to ghfFluid Adding to turbulenceFluid Selecting turbulence model type laminar Selecting laminar stress model Stokes Adding to thermophysicalTransport Selecting thermophysical transport type laminar Selecting default laminar thermophysical transport model Fourier Adding to reactionFluid Combustion model not active: combustionProperties not found Selecting combustion model none Adding to radiationFluid Radiation model not active: radiationProperties not found Selecting radiationModel none Adding to KFluid Adding to dpdtFluid Adding to fieldsFluid Adding MRF No MRF models present Adding fvOptions Creating finite volume options from "constant/fvOptions" Selecting finite volume options model type constantHeatTransfer Source: solidTofluid - selecting inter region mapping Creating mesh-to-mesh addressing for solid and fluid regions using cellVolumeWeight --> FOAM Warning : From function Foam::triFace Foam::tetIndices::faceTriIs(const Foam::polyMesh&) const in file meshes/polyMesh/polyMeshTetDecomposition/tetIndicesI.H at line 76 No base point for face 1419, 6(2623 2627 2628 2629 2630 2624), produces a valid tet decomposition. --> FOAM Warning : From function Foam::triFace Foam::tetIndices::faceTriIs(const Foam::polyMesh&) const in file meshes/polyMesh/polyMeshTetDecomposition/tetIndicesI.H at line 76 --> FOAM Warning : From function Foam::triFace Foam::tetIndices::faceTriIs(const Foam::polyMesh&) const in file meshes/polyMesh/polyMeshTetDecomposition/tetIndicesI.H at line 76 No base point for face 336351, 9(352955 352951 352950 352945 128918 128916 128925 128933 352954), produces a valid tet decomposition. Reading surface description: yNormal streamLine streamlines write: seeded 50 particles Tracks:50 Total samples:16840 Writing data to "/home/boffin5/cfdaero/meredith-en-dell2/postProcessing/sets/streamlines/fluid/0" Region: fluid Courant Number mean: 90.0808 max: 1.33005e+06 Region: solid Courant Number mean: 0.437445 max: 0.524934 Time = 1 . . . Time = 12 Solving for fluid region fluid DILUPBiCGStab: Solving for Ux, Initial residual = 0.00028733, Final residual = 6.20676e-06, No Iterations 1 DILUPBiCGStab: Solving for Uy, Initial residual = 0.000169537, Final residual = 4.37575e-06, No Iterations 1 DILUPBiCGStab: Solving for Uz, Initial residual = 0.00143944, Final residual = 3.61902e-05, No Iterations 1 DILUPBiCGStab: Solving for h, Initial residual = 0.0635227, Final residual = 0.00510205, No Iterations 21 Min/max T:279.829 305.813 GAMG: Solving for p_rgh, Initial residual = 0.000684261, Final residual = 2.09175e-06, No Iterations 5 time step continuity errors : sum local = 1.70058e-06, global = 3.27887e-07, cumulative = 3.27887e-07 DILUPBiCGStab: Solving for epsilon, Initial residual = 0.00744825, Final residual = 2.42548e-06, No Iterations 1 DILUPBiCGStab: Solving for k, Initial residual = 0.00671512, Final residual = 9.4212e-06, No Iterations 1 Solving for fluid region solid DILUPBiCGStab: Solving for Ux, Initial residual = 0.377755, Final residual = 0.000121298, No Iterations 1 DILUPBiCGStab: Solving for Uy, Initial residual = 0.141345, Final residual = 7.23171e-05, No Iterations 1 DILUPBiCGStab: Solving for Uz, Initial residual = 0.155198, Final residual = 9.26559e-05, No Iterations 1 DILUPBiCGStab: Solving for h, Initial residual = 0.0246786, Final residual = 4.36518e-05, No Iterations 1 Min/max T:377.352 377.59 GAMG: Solving for p_rgh, Initial residual = 0.616704, Final residual = 0.00443168, No Iterations 1 time step continuity errors : sum local = 5.50618e-07, global = 4.5934e-07, cumulative = 4.5934e-07 ExecutionTime = 239.52 s ClockTime = 249 s End do not flow properly around the body. However for the simpleFoam case they look great. See the attached image. For the multiregion case, on the outside of the duct, they just flow to the surface and stop, rather than flowing around. On the inside, they do not diverge to follow the expanding duct, but just stay towards the bottom. This is inconsistent with the paraview image of the U field. In this, the maximum velocity is in the middle of the radiator, but the streamlines don't flow there at all. Also included is the image for the p field, which seems reasonable. This is with the darcy-forchheimer coeffcients set at d(20 20 20) and f(20 20 20) which is a very low flow restriction. Using the same CAD geometry, I have used two different meshing packages to create the mesh, but the results have been the same, which indicates that the problem is inherent to my case setup. What in the world am I doing wrong? |
April 19, 2024, 11:46 |
#13 |
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Join Date: Apr 2012
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Hello Alan,
Are you using the same boundary conditions on both simpleFoam and chtMultiRegionFoam? As far as I remember, you set a velocity value on the wall on your CHT case, which does not really make sense (it should be either slip, noSlip, or fixedValue uniform (0 0 0)). This could explain why the streamlines stop at the wall. Regards, Yann |
April 19, 2024, 13:20 |
OMG! It worked! But failed at time step 5 - almost there!
#14 |
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Alan w
Join Date: Feb 2021
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Hi Yann,
You were right about the U boundary condition; what I had was stupid and I am a bit embarrassed. But when I fixed the U bc's, the case failed at time step 6, so I changed it to stop at 5, and the streamlines look awesome! There is still an issue with the bc's, so I am showing them to see if you can save me again, as if you haven't done it enough already (this in lieu of my normal practice of wildly changing values): fluid p: Code:
dimensions [1 -1 -2 0 0 0 0]; internalField uniform 90812; //84559 boundaryField { #includeEtc "caseDicts/setConstraintTypes" frontier { type slip; } inlet { type calculated; value uniform 90812; } outlet { type calculated; value uniform 90812; } fuselage { type calculated; value uniform 90812; } spinner { type calculated; value uniform 90812; } lips { type calculated; value uniform 90812; } fairing { type calculated; value uniform 90812; } flap { type calculated; value uniform 90812; } radiator-interface { type calculated; value uniform 90812; } edges { type calculated; value uniform 90812; } trailingedge { type calculated; value uniform 90812; } } fluid p_rgh: Code:
dimensions [1 -1 -2 0 0 0 0]; internalField uniform 90812; //84559 boundaryField { #includeEtc "caseDicts/setConstraintTypes" frontier { type slip; } inlet { type fixedFluxPressure; } outlet { type fixedValue; value $internalField; } fuselage { type fixedFluxPressure; } spinner { type fixedFluxPressure; } lips { type fixedFluxPressure; } fairing { type fixedFluxPressure; } flap { type fixedFluxPressure; } radiator-interface { type fixedFluxPressure; } edges { type fixedFluxPressure; } trailingedge { type fixedFluxPressure; } } fluid T: Code:
dimensions [0 0 0 1 0 0 0]; internalField uniform 282.214; boundaryField { #includeEtc "caseDicts/setConstraintTypes" frontier { type slip; } inlet { type fixedValue; value uniform 282.214; } outlet { type inletOutlet; inletValue uniform 282.214; value uniform 282.214; } fuselage { type zeroGradient; } spinner { type zeroGradient; } lips { type zeroGradient; } fairing { type zeroGradient; } flap { type zeroGradient; } radiator-interface { type zeroGradient; } edges { type zeroGradient; } trailingedge { type zeroGradient; } } fluid U: Code:
dimensions [0 1 -1 0 0 0 0]; internalField uniform (59.161 0 0); boundaryField { #includeEtc "caseDicts/setConstraintTypes" frontier { type slip; } inlet { type fixedValue; value uniform (59.161 0 0); } outlet { type inletOutlet; inletValue uniform (0 0 0); value uniform (0 0 0); } fuselage { type noSlip; } spinner { type noSlip; } lips { type noSlip; } fairing { type noSlip; } flap { type noSlip; } radiator-interface { type noSlip; } edges { type noSlip; } trailingedge { type noSlip; } } solid p: Code:
dimensions [1 -1 -2 0 0 0 0]; internalField uniform 90812; boundaryField { #includeEtc "caseDicts/setConstraintTypes" frontier { type slip; } inlet { type calculated; value uniform 90812; } outlet { type calculated; value uniform 90812; } rad_radinlet { type calculated; value uniform 90812; } rad_radoutlet { type calculated; value uniform 90812; } rad_radfrontier { type calculated; value uniform 90812; } "proc.*" { type processor; } } solid p_rgh: Code:
dimensions [1 -1 -2 0 0 0 0]; internalField uniform 90812; boundaryField { #includeEtc "caseDicts/setConstraintTypes" frontier { type slip; } inlet { type fixedFluxPressure; } outlet { type fixedValue; value uniform 90812; } rad_radinlet { type fixedFluxPressure; } rad_radoutlet { type fixedValue; value uniform 90812; } rad_radfrontier { type fixedFluxPressure; } "proc.*" { type processor; } } solid T: Code:
dimensions [0 0 0 1 0 0 0]; internalField uniform 377.59; boundaryField { #includeEtc "caseDicts/setConstraintTypes" frontier { type slip; } inlet { type fixedValue; value uniform 377.59; } outlet { type inletOutlet; inletValue uniform 377.59; value uniform 377.59; } rad_radinlet { type fixedValue; value $internalField; } rad_radoutlet { type inletOutlet; inletValue $internalField; value $internalField; } rad_radfrontier { type zeroGradient; } "proc.*" { type processor; } } solid U: Code:
dimensions [0 1 -1 0 0 0 0]; //internalField uniform (10 0 0); internalField uniform (0.01 0 0); boundaryField { #includeEtc "caseDicts/setConstraintTypes" frontier { type slip; } inlet { type fixedValue; value uniform (0.01 0 0); } outlet { type inletOutlet; inletValue uniform (0 0 0); value uniform (0 0 0); } rad_radinlet { type fixedValue; value uniform (0.01 0 0); } rad_radoutlet { type inletOutlet; inletValue uniform (0 0 0); value uniform (0 0 0); } rad_radfrontier { type noSlip; } "proc.*" { type processor; } } |
April 19, 2024, 18:40 |
failure message
#15 |
Senior Member
Alan w
Join Date: Feb 2021
Posts: 288
Rep Power: 6 |
I should have mentioned, it fails with the "Energy -> temperature conversion failed to converge:" message.
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Thread | Thread Starter | Forum | Replies | Last Post |
Problems with postprocessing folder | Oscardcb | OpenFOAM Post-Processing | 5 | August 17, 2017 02:52 |
Postprocessing large data sets in parallel | evrikon | OpenFOAM Post-Processing | 28 | June 28, 2016 04:43 |
Is Playstation 3 cluster suitable for CFD work | hsieh | OpenFOAM | 9 | August 16, 2015 15:53 |
Turbine spiral case postprocessing | mateus | FLUENT | 0 | April 24, 2008 04:24 |
Free surface boudary conditions with SOLA-VOF | Fan | Main CFD Forum | 10 | September 9, 2006 13:24 |