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Heat transfer at a droplet phase boundary

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Old   December 14, 2023, 19:01
Default Heat transfer at a droplet phase boundary
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Join Date: Oct 2021
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Hey everybody,

I am looking for some help for a droplet simulation:

I want to place a water droplet inside an air flow. The droplet should be non-moving and non-deforming, while the air phase has a relative velocity towards the droplet. First of all, the goal is to investigate the heat flux on the phase boundary.
In my first try, I use a single mesh (droplet and its surrounding is meshed), in which I patch the alpha value for the water droplet and its temperature. Additionaly, i separated both phases with a wall from each other. The shear stress on the phase boundary shall be neglectible first.

Now to my questions:

1. Is there a better way to implement a non-moving rigid droplet inside a flow?

2. I am currently missing a suitable boundary condition for my heat flux on the phase boundary due to the wall type boundary. In my case, I would need to get my temperature gradient between the cells on both sides of the wall facing each other and then I could calculate my heat flux for each face. Is there a boundary condition which i can use/ easily change or do I have to code one from scratch? If I have to code a new one, where can I implement the heat flux on the specific faces, so it is considered in the energy equation?

Thank you very much in advance.
Best regards!
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boundary condition t, droplet flow, multiphase heat transfer

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