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Very Slow Bubble Rise in Adaptive Mesh Refinement (AMR) - OpenFOAM interFoam Solver

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Old   November 29, 2023, 17:12
Default Very Slow Bubble Rise in Adaptive Mesh Refinement (AMR) - OpenFOAM interFoam Solver
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Debojyoti Roy
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I am currently working on a CFD project involving the study of bubble behaviours near a wall in a liquid using the OpenFOAM interFoam solver. I have a rectangular box as my domain filled with liquid and within it, a bubble is initialized near one of the walls.

In my simulations, when using a normal refined mesh, the bubble rise appears to be normal and in accordance with expected behaviour. However, upon transitioning to AMR, I'm observing an unnaturally slow bubble rise, almost to the point where it seems insignificant.

I have tried tweaking all the AMR parameters like nBufferLayers, maxRefinement, etc, but that didn't seem to help. However, when I reduced the global mesh size too much, the bubble rise rate was normal but the physics was not consistent.

I am very confused and would appreciate any assistance I can get. Please find the case files as well as some animations and pictures in the Google Drive link below.

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adaptive mesh refinement, amr, bubble dynamics, dynamic mesh adaption, interfoam bubble

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