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Multiphysics Simulation (Membrane process with rection on one side)

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Old   July 9, 2023, 14:50
Question Multiphysics Simulation (Membrane process with rection on one side)
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I would like to simulate a membrane process (3Subdomains conected via conformal meshing) using OpenFOAM and found the LTSMembraneFoam solver on the internet. The problem here is that I couldn't find where to download it (Git or anywhere). The solver is also not stored in the library.
Another problem here is that this solver assumes that there are steady state conditions in the membrane and that the respective edge or surface has a hypothetical thickness.

But we would like to plot the concentration and temperature gradients in the membrane (solid porous subdomain). For this project we created a multibody conformal mesh using gmsh (see this link: ). The membrane has its own subdomain and is not just a surface (2D) or edge (1D).

Subdomain 1: porous, reaction, fluid part
Subdomain 2: porous, no reaction, solid part
Subdomain 3: no porous, no reaction, fluid part

My thought was to use openfoam for FEM and fenics for the membrane. I read much articles about this topic. The newest was:

Another thought was that maybe I can use this solver:

The approach here would be to have a porous catalyst bed in the inner zone (subdomain 1) and the reaction takes place there. In the second subdomain, there would only be temperature and mass transport. The transition from subdomain 1 to subdomain 2 would take place using a table approach. In subdomain 2 (also a porous zone), no reaction would take place.

The transition from the second subdomain to the third, which is not a porous zone and no reaction takes place there, would also work via a table approach. I once had a similar problem in Star CCM, but no solver that handles it.

I got so far that I managed to get a parameterized conformal multibody mesh using FreeCad and GMSH and imported it correctly (splitmultiregion).

Now the choice of the right solver or options is open to represent such a problem. And I don't want to show the membrane only as a surface, so I only have 2 subdomains, because I want to show the concentration/temperature curve in the membrane, because I assume that there are no steady state conditions.

I also found that someone couple the chtMultiRegionFoam with reactingFoam but only with conjugate heat transfer but I want always a mass flow in the solid and that the species are transported through subdomain 2 due to a pressure gradient between subdomain 1 and subdomain 3.

Have anyone an idea?

Best regards.
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multibody physic

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