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codedMixed BC runs fine in serial run but crashes in parallel run

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Old   June 16, 2023, 00:58
Default codedMixed BC runs fine in serial run but crashes in parallel run
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Join Date: Feb 2020
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I am trying to implement codedMixed boundary condition at the fluid-solid interface to emulate boiling heat transfer. During Tw<Tsat I compare Q_solid = - Q_fluid, similar to turbulentTemperatureRadCoupledMixed boundary condition. However, during Tw>Tsat conditions, I compare Q_solid = - Qboiling. Where Qboiling is obtained from the boiling heat transfer correlations.

Now, this boundary condition works fine for the serial runs. However, I get sigSegv error for parallel run. Can anybody help me where I am doing wrong?

Below is the implementation of the codedMixedBC:

        type            codedMixed;
        value           uniform 300;
        name            temperatureHeatFluxvessel1;
        refValue        uniform 300;
        refGradient     uniform 0;
        valueFraction   uniform 0;      //1 - Dirictlect ;  0 - Neumann


        // constant saturation temperature
        const scalar Tsat = 373.15;                 // k
        scalar kf = 0.5;                            // w/m/k, thermal conductivity of water
        scalar l = 0.36;                            // m
        const scalar Tchf = 273.15 + 100 + 30;            // chf temperature
        scalar mul = 1.67e-3;                       // Pa.s, viscosity of water
        scalar hfg = 40.63e3;                       // J/mol, enthalpy of vaporization
        scalar rhov = 0.5782498;                    // water vapor density
        scalar rhol = 1000;                         // water density
        scalar sigma = 0.0589;                      // N/m, surface tensino of liquid-vapor interface
        scalar Csf = 0.0130;                        // experimental constant that depends on surface-fluid combination
        scalar Cpl = 4184;                          // J/kg/k, specific heat capacity of water
        scalar Pr = 6.9;                            // Prandtl of water
        scalar g = 9.81;                            // gravitational acceleration constant
        scalar ks = 16;                             // w/m/k, thermal conductivity of solid, steel
        scalar Tmin = 273.15 + 100 + 150;           // min temperature
        scalar kg = 0.025;                          // W/m K, water vapor thermal conductivity
        scalar mug = 1.0016e-3;                      // water vapor viscosity.

        const fvMesh &solidFvMesh = db().parent().objectRegistry::lookupObject<fvMesh>("vessel1");
        const volScalarField &solidT = solidFvMesh.thisDb().objectRegistry::lookupObject<volScalarField>("T");
        const scalarField Ts = solidT.boundaryField()[solidFvMesh.boundaryMesh().findPatchID("vessel1_to_water")];
        const fvPatch& patchsolid = solidFvMesh.boundary()[solidFvMesh.boundaryMesh().findPatchID("vessel1_to_water")];
        const fvMesh &liquidFvMesh = db().parent().objectRegistry::lookupObject<fvMesh>("water");
        const volScalarField &liquidT = liquidFvMesh.thisDb().objectRegistry::lookupObject<volScalarField>("T");
        const fvPatch& patchwater = liquidFvMesh.boundary()[liquidFvMesh.boundaryMesh().findPatchID("water_to_vessel1")];
        scalarField& Tp_(*this);
        scalarField Tgradient = Tp_ * scalar(0);
        scalar Tg = 0;

        forAll(Tp_, i)
            if (Tp_[i] < Tsat)
                this->refValue()[i] = Tp_[i];
                this->refGrad()[i] = 0.0;
                this->valueFraction()[i] = (kf*patchwater.deltaCoeffs()[i])/(kf*patchwater.deltaCoeffs()[i] + ks * patchsolid.deltaCoeffs()[i]);
            else if ((Tp_[i] > Tsat) && (Tp_[i] < Tchf))
                // Info << "Tp_ water" << mul * hfg * pow( g * (rhol-rhov)/sigma,0.5)* pow(Cpl*(Tp_[i]-Tsat)/Csf/hfg/Pr,3)  <<endl; //* pow(Cpl*(Tp_[i]-Tsat)/Csf/hfg/Pr,3) 
                this->refValue()[i] =  Ts[i] -mul * hfg * pow( g * (rhol-rhov)/sigma,0.5) * pow(Cpl*(Tp_[i]-Tsat)/Csf/hfg/Pr,3) / (patchsolid.deltaCoeffs()[i] * ks);
                this->refGrad()[i] = 0;
                this->valueFraction()[i] = 0.0;
            else if (Tp_[i]> Tchf)
                Info << "Temperature exceeded" <<  endl;

                #include "solidThermo.H"
                #include "fluidThermo.H"
                #include "fvCFD.H"
                #include "addToRunTimeSelectionTable.H"
                #include "fvPatchFieldMapper.H"
                #include "volFields.H"
                #include "mappedPatchBase.H"
                #include "basicThermo.H"
                #include "mappedPatchFieldBase.H"

                -I$(LIB_SRC)/thermophysicalModels/basic/lnInclude \
                -I$(LIB_SRC)/thermophysicalModels/solidThermo/lnInclude \
                -I$(LIB_SRC)/transportModels/compressible/lnInclude \
                -I$(LIB_SRC)/finiteVolume/lnInclude \

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