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How to read data into fvModels for energy source term

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Old   June 14, 2023, 13:15
Default How to read data into fvModels for energy source term
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S Abrahams
Join Date: Mar 2022
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I'm using compressibleInterFoam with OF9. I have defined an energy source term in fvModels using codeAddRhoSup. I'd like my source term to be time dependent, interpolated from external data. How can I read my data into codeAddRhoSup in fvModels so that I can use it in my source term?

To give more detail, I have data with a list of times and a list of values e.g.
tData = (1 2 3 4 5)
 PData = (8 9 10 11 12)
I'd like to read these two lists in (I can convert the data to a suitable format). I'd then like to interpolate such that I have a value of P at the current time. I think I can handle the interpolation but I can't work out how to read this data in. I also tried to define the lists directly inside codeAddRhoSup in fvModels but I can't work out the correct syntax for this.

Can anyone help me to read in the data? Or as an alternative, how can I define the lists inside the fvModels file?

Here's my fvModels file
        type        coded;
        selectionMode    all; 
        field         T;

            Pout<< "**codeAddRhoSup**" << endl;


            const volScalarField& alpha = mesh().
                lookupObject<volScalarField>("alpha.water"); //alpha field
            const scalarField& V = mesh().V(); //cell volumes
            scalar time = mesh().time().value(); //time without dimensions
            scalarField& heSource = eqn.source();    // heat eqn source term
            forAll(V, i)
                heSource[i] -= P*V[i]*alpha[i];



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data, energy source term, fvmodels, interpolation data, source term

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