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Problem while I run my Hemisphere RANS simulation on the cluster of my lab.

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Old   May 25, 2023, 13:27
Default Problem while I run my Hemisphere RANS simulation on the cluster of my lab.
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Antoine Carreau
Join Date: Apr 2023
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I am currently facing some problem, probably with the parallelisation on OPENFOAM.
In fact I am doing a simulation of an hemisphere near a wall. Here is a Clip of how my mesh look like : 1.jpg 2.jpg
I am putting a developped profile of boundary layer at the inlet and simulating using a RANS k-omega SST model and a parallelisation using 4 procs on my computer. Here is how my velocity field look like from the side : 3.jpg
My problem is when I try to simulate exactly the same case with the exact same settings and OPENFOAM version on the cluster of my lab. It appears some noise in the velocity field near the wall boundary that I don't have in local. We can even see the boundary beetween the different procs domain by some gradient of my velocity. Here it how it looks like from below (left cluster / right local computer) : Capture d’écran du 2023-05-25 17-58-18.jpg
If someone has already sean something similar appearing on his simulations I would really appreciate you tell me what causes the problem. Then I could explain to the informaticians what to do on the cluster to fix this. Thank you for your time.
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hemisphere, noise, openfoam, parallel cluster

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