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Multiphase flow with wave condition at inlet

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Old   January 20, 2023, 21:50
Default Multiphase flow with wave condition at inlet
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Andrew Mills
Join Date: Oct 2019
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Hello all,

I am using openFOAM version 9

I am trying to simulate the wind and storm surge loading effects of a category 5 hurricane on a structure.

I want to simulate a inlet condition with water in the bottom section and air in the top section. This I can easily do with interFoam.

But to improve the accuracy of the physics of the problem, I want to impose a wave on the surface of the water at the inlet.

I understand that waves2Foam is for OF-V3 or older, but I also believe it to be a single phase solver which makes it not applicable to my application.

Using the boundary condition groovyBC for alpha.water and setting the values to be a function of time makes the most sense to me, but that would mean that my patch boundary will also have to change as a function of time which I don't think is possible.

I know what I want to do is possible. I know people have done this, or something very similar before. I know I am smart enough to figure it out eventually. But right now, I feel incredibly overwhelmed and I don't feel all that smart.

I know this isn't the right way to propose questions on this forum, but I seriously need a push in the right direction. I keep trying to change my google searches to try and find the correct explanation, but I'm in a feedback loop at this point finding the same articles and running into the same problems.

I am sorry this has turned into a therapy session partially, but in addition to the help with OF, I really want to hear about the thought process used by people with more experience in CFD. When you get stuck on a problem is there a plan of attack commonly used? Any and all help will be GREATLY appreciated.
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Old   January 25, 2023, 15:20
New Member
Andrew Mills
Join Date: Oct 2019
Posts: 6
Rep Power: 7
Drew.M is on a distinguished road
I was overthinking and stressing myself out.

If you want to run a similar simulation, look to waves2Foam solver, as well as the DTCHullWave tutorial!
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hurricane, multiphase flow, wave

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