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heat capacity in TEqn

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Old   December 1, 2022, 06:11
Default heat capacity in TEqn
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Join Date: Sep 2022
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Can anyone provide some insight on this:

VoF solvers weigh some properties as:

\rho = \rho_1\alpha_1 + \rho_2\alpha_2
\mu = \mu_1\alpha_1 + \mu_2\alpha_2

Whislt the heat capacity appears to be different.

\left(\frac{\alpha_1}{Cv_1} + \frac{\alpha_2}{Cv_2}\right) \left( \nabla \cdot  \left(\vec{v} p \right) + \frac{\partial \left(\rho K \right)}{\partial t}  +  \nabla \cdot \left(\rho \vec{v} K \right) - K \left[ \frac{\partial  \rho}{\partial t} + \nabla \cdot \left(\rho \vec{v}\right)\right] \right)

Why is C_v not being weighted as :
C_v = C_{v_1} \alpha_1 + C_{v_2} \alpha_2

And then:
\frac{1}{C_v}\left(  \nabla \cdot  \left(\vec{v} p \right) + \frac{\partial \left(\rho K  \right)}{\partial t}  +  \nabla \cdot \left(\rho \vec{v} K \right) - K  \left[ \frac{\partial  \rho}{\partial t} + \nabla \cdot \left(\rho  \vec{v}\right)\right] \right)

In the laplacian term \alpha_{eff} appears to be treated as :
\alpha_{eff} = \alpha_{eff_1} \alpha_1 + \alpha_{eff_2} \alpha_2

What is the rationale here?

I need to weigh the inverse of C_v since that is how the formulation is derived?

For instance, If I removed density from inside the parenthesis and diveded every term in the equation with \rho, I would need to use the same treatment as C_v?
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