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solarLoad, fvDOM and multiphase

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Old   October 14, 2022, 08:50
Default solarLoad, fvDOM and multiphase
Senior Member
Join Date: Dec 2021
Posts: 251
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Alczem is on a distinguished road
Hello everybody!

I am working with icoReactingMultiphaseInterfoam and several phases (one solid, one liquid and one gas).

The simulation should include the radiation from the sun to melt the solid, so I tried to configure solarLoad with the fvDOM model. Since there are several phases, I used the localDensityAbsorptionEmission model to use different absorption and emission coefficients depending on the phase:

absorptionEmissionModel localDensityAbsorptionEmission;
    alphaNames (alpha.solid alpha.gas alpha.liquid);
    aCoeff (5 0 0);
    eCoeff (0.5 0 0); 
    ECoeff (0.5 0 0);
I tried to add this subdictionary in the solarLoadCoeffs as well, but it does not affect the outcome.

So it seems that solarLoad does not take this model in consideration during the simulation. The solid phase does not heat up at all! But the boundaries receive the correct radiative flux, so solarLoad is active. To make sure my setup was ok, I added to my IDefault file a boundary condition with an incoming radiative flux:

        type            greyDiffusiveRadiation;
        T                T;
        qRadExt         1500;
        qRadExtDir      (-1 0 -2);
        value           uniform 0;
With this qRadExt, my solid heats up (and eventually starts to melt thanks to the phaseProperties file.

Can someone confirm (or help me properly configure the mode) that solarLoad affects only the boundaries and not the media ?

Thanks for any hint!
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