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Warning in flux mapping table with dynamicRefineFvMesh

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Old   October 11, 2022, 16:47
Default Warning in flux mapping table with dynamicRefineFvMesh
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Joshua Christopher
Join Date: Jul 2022
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I am trying to run a simulation with dynamic meshing using dynamicRefineFvMesh. I am using the EHD solver from but upgraded it to work on OpenFOAM 8. This issue also exists in OpenFOAM 2.3 and the original unmodified version of the EHD solver. I noticed a pair of warnings in my output:

--> FOAM Warning :
From function Foam::autoPtr<Foam::mapPolyMesh> Foam::dynamicRefineFvMesh::refine(const labelList&)
in file dynamicRefineFvMesh/dynamicRefineFvMesh.C at line 308
Cannot find surfaceScalarField ((interpolate(eps)*magSf)*snGradCorr(Ue)) in user-provided flux mapping table
rhoPhi none
phi none
nHatf none
alphaPhi0.phase1 none
alphaPhiUn none
rhoEFlux none
rho*phi none
Ue none
ghf none
phiAbs none
rhoE none
alphaPhi none
The flux mapping table is used to recreate the flux on newly created faces.
Either add the entry if it is a flux or use (((interpolate(eps)*magSf)*snGradCorr(Ue)) none) to suppress this warning.
--> FOAM Warning :
From function Foam::autoPtr<Foam::mapPolyMesh> Foam::dynamicRefineFvMesh::refine(const labelList&)
in file dynamicRefineFvMesh/dynamicRefineFvMesh.C at line 308
Cannot find surfaceScalarField ((-interpolate(sgm)*magSf)*snGrad(Ue)) in user-provided flux mapping table
rhoPhi none
phi none
nHatf none
alphaPhi0.phase1 none
alphaPhiUn none
rhoEFlux none
rho*phi none
Ue none
ghf none
phiAbs none
rhoE none
alphaPhi none
The flux mapping table is used to recreate the flux on newly created faces.
Either add the entry if it is a flux or use (((-interpolate(sgm)*magSf)*snGrad(Ue)) none) to suppress this warning.
I added the suggested suppression to dynamicMeshDict/correctFluxes:

     (phi none)
     (rhoPhi none)
     (ghf none)
     (alphaPhi none)
     (alphaPhiUn none)
     (alphaPhi0.phase1 none)
     (Ue none)
     (rhoE none)
     (nHatf none)
     (rho*phi none)
     (phiAbs none)
     (rhoEFlux none)
     (((-interpolate(sgm)*magSf)*snGrad(Ue)) none)
However this gives the error:

[3] wrong token type - expected word, found on line 0 the punctuation token '('
[3] file: IOstream/dynamicRefineFvMeshCoeffs/correctFluxes at line 0.
[3] From function Foam::Istream& Foam::operator>>(Foam::Istream&, Foam::word&)
The code where this expressions is used is:
             surfaceScalarField rhoEFlux = -fvc::interpolate(sgm)*mesh.magSf()*fvc::snGrad(Ue);
             fvScalarMatrix rhoEEqn
               + fvm::div(phi, rhoE)
               + fvc::div(rhoEFlux)
This issue is essentially identical to this thread:

dynamic Mesh, correct fluxes, surfaceScalarFields

However, that thread was not resolved and the suggestions in that thread did not help me. As you can see in the correctFluxes above, I also tried putting (rhoEFlux none) into correctFluxes.

Does anyone have any suggestions on how to correctly add that surfaceScalarField with parenthesis into correctFluxes?

Thank you,
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Old   October 18, 2022, 16:17
New Member
Joshua Christopher
Join Date: Jul 2022
Posts: 7
Rep Power: 4
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Hello everyone,

I was able to resolve the warning by making the following changes to the solver:

1. In createFields.H, create the surfaceScalarField for rhoEFlux:
surfaceScalarField rhoEFlux

2. In the solver instead of creating a temporary surfaceScalarField at each time step, I just compute the update to the rhoEFlux that is now in createFields.H:

rhoEFlux = -fvc::interpolate(sgm)*mesh.magSf()*fvc::snGrad(Ue);
This seems to be sufficient for OpenFOAM to detect the flux by the name RhoEFlux.

3. In dynamicMeshDict my correctFluxes looks like:
     (phi none)
     (rhoPhi none)
     (ghf none)
     (alphaPhi none)
     (alphaPhiUn none)
     (alphaPhi0.phase1 none)
     (Ue none)
     (rhoE none)
     (nHatf none)
     (rho*phi none)
     (phiAbs none)
     (rhoEFlux none)
to perform no flux corrections of rhoEFlux.

In my original post you notice there are two warnings, one for the positive and one for the negative sign on rhoEFlux. I had to duplicate this process and swap the sign to get the second warning to go away.

I don't know if this is a workaround or the correct method of resolving this, but the warning is gone so presumably I can now correct the rhoEFlux by velocity.

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