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Simulating a Poiseuille flow through a 3D square channel

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Old   September 18, 2022, 03:56
Default Simulating a Poiseuille flow through a 3D square channel
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Mrigank Dhingra
Join Date: Jul 2022
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Hi Foamers,

So I have been trying to simulate a pressure driven 3-dimensional channel flow through a square channel. I want to solve for a laminar, incompressible steady state flow so therefore, I am using simpleFoam as my solver.

The issue is that when I plot a U_magnitude plot right at the center of the flow domain, my V_max is not twice (or around two times) the V_avg which I use in order to calculate the pressure difference between the inlet and outlet. My V_max comes out to be around 7-8 times the V_avg. Now, I have tried to solve the problem with different boundary conditions but the result is always the same.

As for my geometry/channel, I am simply using the blockMesh's stl file and running the simulations within it.

Does anyone have any sort of idea on why is this happening? Could It be that I am setting my problem incorrectly, e.g. incorrect solver or boundary conditions?

Any sort of suggestions/help would be greatly appreciated!
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