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FOAM FATAL IO ERROR Cannot find patchField entry for procBoundary1to0

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Old   July 6, 2022, 10:02
Default FOAM FATAL IO ERROR Cannot find patchField entry for procBoundary1to0
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Jelle Lagerweij
Join Date: Jul 2022
Posts: 21
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Dear CFD friends,
I am beginning with my first few real simulations with OpenFoam. To better understand what I am doing before I start my real task (2 component gas-gas mixing with probably reactingFoam), I decided to adjust the motorbike example to a square pipe with a sphere in the middle. However, when I try to run the model in parallel computing, I get this weird
FOAM FATAL IO ERROR Cannot find patchField entry for procBoundary1to0
for every parallel core. If I compute my system in serial mode (it is somewhat slow) it performs more like I expect (still gives an error later on).

I decided to pack my code into a tar.xz file and add an Allrunserial, Allrunparallel and Allclean file so you can easily recreate my problem. I think that I do something wrong with my boundary conditions, as I found similar discussions online. However, I couldn't find where I made this error.

Although the serial mode runs better than the parallel mode (at least is completes the potentialFoam step), I should be able to run the full simpleFoam model after that, but that crashes as well. I tried to check my semicolumns and the boundary types, but can't find the problem.

On an additional note, it should become a sphere in a turbulent duct, with somewhat limited computation speed (1 older 6 core intel extreme processor). Is the meshing that I have set up appropriate? I want to be able to do that myself, but maybe you can tell me from experience what should be changed in general to make the model perform better later on.

Lots of thanks already,
Attached Files
File Type: gz sphere_in_duct.tar.gz (15.9 KB, 1 views)
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patchfield boundaries

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