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What is the best aproach for my geometry: SRF, MRF or AMI?

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Old   May 29, 2022, 14:35
Question What is the best aproach for my geometry: SRF, MRF or AMI?
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Anuar Giménez
Join Date: Feb 2022
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Hi all, I am trying to run a stationary compressible simulation of a polymer flow through a single screw extruder in OpenFoam 7, as the one shown below:

Here you can see the geometry that I am meshing. I am using Ansys for that.

As you can see, in contrast to typical rotor-stator problems, here the rotor (screw) is in contact with the stator (barrel).

I wonder what would be the best method to perform the simulation: SRF, MRF or Rotating Mesh.
- MRF aproach: due to the contact between rotor and stator, i have no stationary zone perpendicular to the axis of rotation (not so at the bottom). I thought if maybe a one cell thin mesh between the screw and the stator would work for me.
- SRF aproach: I think this is the best option for my geometry. However, as far as I know, OpenFoam does not have SRF solvers for compressible simulations. I am currently using rhoSimpleFoam which incorporates MRF. I found a compressible SRF solver in the OpenFoam extend version called "steadyCompressibleSRFFoam", however it is implemented for OpenFoam 4 and works with compressibility of gasses (it uses 1/RT), while i am working with density in liquids.
- Dynamic Mesh aproach: This is the last option that I have in mind. However, I don't know if a stationary solver or the contact between rotor and stator could be a problem.

In case I use MRF with a thin one cell layer, could I define the cellZone directly in Ansys Mesh?
It is worth converting the incompressible solver simpleSRFFoam to compressible, so I could use SRF? In that case, could you give me any references?

I would be very gratefull if you could give me some advice.
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ami, mrf, openfoam, srf, turbomachinery

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