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pimpleDyFoam and sixDoFMotionSolver to move two patches

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Old   April 1, 2022, 23:45
Default pimpleDyFoam and sixDoFMotionSolver to move two patches
Join Date: Mar 2020
Posts: 36
Rep Power: 6
WUYing is on a distinguished road
Hi Foamers,
I have a geometry consisting of body1 and body2, they are connected with each other and move together, i.e. they can be treated as one rigid body. I use pimpleDyMFoam and sixDoFMotionSolver to study its vibration and it works well when I take body1 and body2 as one patch (BODY). And I can obtain the aerodynamic force on the BODY.
However, I'd like to know the force on body1 and body2, respectively, so my plan is to take it as two patches, so I modify dynamicMeshDict file to add the patch name.
HTML Code:
dynamicFvMesh   dynamicMotionSolverFvMesh;
motionSolverLibs ( "" );
solver          sixDoFRigidBodyMotion;
patches   (BODY1 BODY2);    // before modification: patches   (BODY);
So that I can calculate the force on BODY1 and BODY2 respectively. And if I understand correctly, the force on BODY1 plus the force on BODY2 should equal to the force on BODY. Am I right in set up the case moving two bodies?
Or is there any other method to obtain the force contribution on each body when calculating it as one body?
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multiple patches, pimpledymfoam, sixdofmotionsolver

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