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Which open Foam multiphase solver is suitable for my case?

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Old   March 21, 2022, 06:00
Default Which open Foam multiphase solver is suitable for my case?
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I am a bit skeptical regarding which mutli phase solver I should go with, interIsoFoam or twoPhaseEulerFoam.

My case involves water and oxygen entering into a two-phase separator with gas fraction being 0.32.

When I analytically calculate the flow regime using martinelli parameter, the flow belongs to intermittent (slug/plug) regime.

I also saw a lot of technical papers regarding two phase euler foam, it was implemented to only bubbly flows where the gas volume fraction is less than 0.25.

So, is it ok to implement two phase euler foam to my case?

Since there are a lot more features in modeling when it comes to 2 phase euler foam, also this solver is mesh independent since it is able to predict the flow variables very accurately even in a coarse mesh..

But interfoam solver rigorously depends in the fineness of the mesh to resolve the small bubbles of oxygen.
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interfoam bubbles, multiphase model, twophaseeulersedfoam

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