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Non uniform inlet velocity conditions

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Old   January 10, 2022, 11:47
Post Non uniform inlet velocity conditions
New Member
Join Date: Dec 2020
Posts: 20
Rep Power: 6
CfdUser5855 is on a distinguished road
Hi all,

I ran a simulation using atmBoundaryLayer to prescribe a log law boundary condition to my inlet conditions over a dune field.

However, when I compared the actual output data from a larger scale model which I used to inform my CFD, it does not perfectly follow the log law for boundary conditions and therefore I need to re run a simulation, giving specific heights certain velocities.

I now want to try and have an inlet condition which is : (heights are given as above the STL surface)

11.65 ms at 5.00 m
13.94 ms at 15.00 m
14.96 ms at 27.00 m
15.7 ms at 40.00 m
16.35 ms at 55.00 m
16.9 ms at 72.00 m
17.31 ms at 91.00 m
17.96 ms at 112.00 m
18.46 ms at 135.00 m
18.97 ms at 161.00 m
19.48 ms at 191.00 m
20.01 ms at 223.00 m
20.54 ms at 260.00 m
21.03 ms at 302.00 m
21.47 ms at 348.00 m
21.85 ms at 400.00 m
22.13 ms at 457.00 m

My blockMesh file is shown below:

convertToMeters 1;

(0 518200 0)
(2150 518200 0)
(2150 519270 0)
(0 519270 0)
(0 518200 475)
(2150 518200 475)
(2150 519270 475)
(0 519270 475)


hex (0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7) (40 15 10) simpleGrading (1 1 1)


type patch;
(0 4 7 3)
(1 5 4 0)

type patch;
(2 6 5 1)
( 3 7 6 2 )
type wall;
(0 3 2 1)
type patch;
(4 5 6 7)

I have looked at using TimeVaryingMappedFixedValue but that doesn't seem to be the right thing for this application

It seems like it should be relatively easy but I am unsure how to run the case

Any help would be greatly appreciated
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Old   January 12, 2022, 11:14
Senior Member
Julio Pieri
Join Date: Sep 2017
Posts: 109
Rep Power: 9
JulioPieri is on a distinguished road
If those numbers come from a function, you could implement it in the source code for the atmBoundaryLayer BC. It isn't that scary, you could go to the same file, make a copy of it and (probably) edit this part:

scalarField Un
        (Ustar(z0)/kappa_)*log(((zDir() & pCf) - groundMin - d + z0)/z0)
and place your function. There are plenty of tutorials on how to create custom BC. Here are some:
Custom Boundary Condition with OpenFOAM

As an alternative, check out swak4Foam, it's pretty straightforward to use and might be good.
Also, there is the "codedFixedValue" BC, but I haven't used it yet.

Edit: I think with codedBC would be good. I haven't tested it, but a good starting point could be, in your U file,:

youAtmInletPatchName {
type codedFixedValue; value uniform 0; name codedPatchBC; code #{
const vectorField& faceCenter = this->patch().Cf(); vectorField& windVelocity = *this; forAll(faceCenter, i) {
windVelocity[i].x() = YOUR FUNCTION HERE; // then zero in other coordinates
} rest of you patches BC
I haven't tested this! It's just a starting point for you.

Hope some of these help
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atmboundarylayer, inlet boundary condition, non uniform velocity

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