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Running rhoSimpleFoam; paraFoam aborting

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Old   December 7, 2021, 13:26
Default Running rhoSimpleFoam; paraFoam aborting
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Join Date: Nov 2021
Location: Hannover, Germany
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i'm currently trying to work on a problem, where i want to analyse the heat transfer of hot balls, which are beeing cooled down by flowing air.

Right now i'm just trying to keep it simple and just want to analyse the flow and the heat absorption of the air if flowed towards the hot balls. I want to use

I created a mesh with blockmesh, used snappyhexmesh on it, and when i use checkMesh, it says that there is 1 Mesh error, after doing some research it appeared to not cause any problems.

Anyways: I can run rhoSimpleFoam (kinda... i guess). It creates folders and i dont get any errors trying to run it, but when i want to see the results in paraFoam, it crashes with the following message:

Created temporary 'rhoSimple.OpenFOAM'
I/O : uncollated
--> FOAM Warning :
From function virtual Foam:olyMesh::readUpdateState Foam:olyMesh::readUpdate()
in file meshes/polyMesh/polyMeshIO.C at line 209
boundary changed, proceed with care.
--> FOAM Warning :
From function virtual Foam:olyMesh::readUpdateState Foam:olyMesh::readUpdate()
in file meshes/polyMesh/polyMeshIO.C at line 209
boundary changed, proceed with care.

Cannot find patchField entry for DoppelBalls_patch24311

file: /home/mentalstrength/Desktop/foamZweiflung/Kugelschüttung/rhoSimple/10/p/boundaryField from line 25 to line 33.

From function void Foam::GeometricField<Type, PatchField, GeoMesh>::Boundary::readField(const Foam:imensionedField<TypeR, GeoMesh>&, const Foam::dictionary&) [with Type = double; PatchField = Foam::fvPatchField; GeoMesh = Foam::volMesh]
in file /home/ubuntu/OpenFOAM/OpenFOAM-9/src/OpenFOAM/lnInclude/GeometricBoundaryField.C at line 184.

FOAM exiting

"DoppelBalls" is what i called my two balls. I understand that there is some sort of problem with the patch and/or with the p-field. But the patch, which causes the error, is created by snappyHexMesh.
Also the syntax of my p-file seems correct.
Anybody knows what can cause this error?
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error, rhosimplefoam

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