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particleFoam and steady state

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Old   November 1, 2021, 15:55
Default particleFoam and steady state
New Member
Yves Robert
Join Date: May 2019
Posts: 4
Rep Power: 7
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I am working on a project involving spherical particles inserted from the bottom, pushed up by buoyancy and fluid flow, in a cylinder.

To fill the cylinder, I am using particleFoam with a patch injection at the bottom, the top and the side being considered as walls. The cylinder contains tens to hundreds of thousands of spheres.

Then my goal is to perform a steady state circulation, where particles are extracted and injected at a defined rate.

My first intuition was to:
1) "open" the top using a patch instead of a wall
2) run the simulation without injection and see the "natural extraction" rate
3) apply an insertion rate equal to the extraction rate found
However, this method does not work, as when we inject particles, the extraction rate varies as well (I guess that spheres are pushed up).

Therefore, I would like to know:
- How can I dynamically control the insertion rate based on the extraction rate?
- Is there a way to apply an extraction rate with a trap like what StarCCM+ would do, instead of opening the top? In this case it would be much easier for me.

Thank you!
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circulation, dem with openfoam, particlefoam, steady state, steady state icofoam

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