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flowType – extensional flow and obtaining extensional stress

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Old   July 26, 2021, 14:06
Default flowType – extensional flow and obtaining extensional stress
Sourav Mandal
Join Date: Jul 2019
Posts: 55
Rep Power: 7
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I can easily visualise the flowType in a nozzle geometry like in the attached figure 3. When I searched on this topic (extensional flow or extensional stress), there are important practical implications like in -
There is a functionObject called flowType that comes with both OpenFOAM-v2012 & OpenFOAM-8. The v8 provides the description:

PHP Code:
foamInfo flowType

and writes the flowType of a velocity field.

The flow type parameter is obtained according to the following equation:
|D| - |Omega|
lambda = -------------
D| + |Omega|

rotational flow
simple shear flow
planar extensional flow

cannot find any tutorials using "flowType" 
On this topic there are a few threads, but nothing very illuminating.
The polymer mixing example used a software called BEMflow that provides the "particle flow number" in the range 0 to 1 (rotational, shear, elongation), through (probably) a particle tracking method. In contrast, OPenFOAM provides the flowType that ranges between -1 to +1 (rotational, simple shear, planar extensional). For my application (3D bio-printing i.e. flowing hydrogel with living cells through nozzles), it would be very nice to know what portion of the fluid is experiencing how much of stress (shear & extension).

Now, my question is –
Is there a way to decouple extensional stress and shear stress & quantify these two parameters individually in OpenFOAM?

I'm not sure if this is the correct forum (maybe in programming & development?) but any kind of input would be very welcome
Attached Images
File Type: jpg Screenshot 2021-07-26 at 16.58.44.jpg (79.1 KB, 9 views)
File Type: jpg Screenshot 2021-07-26 at 18.44.38.jpg (66.2 KB, 6 views)
File Type: jpg Screenshot 2021-07-26 at 18.56.27.jpg (53.2 KB, 9 views)
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elongation, extension, flowtype, shear stress, shearstress

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