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Understanding SRFSimpleFOAM

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Old   July 19, 2021, 07:22
Default Understanding SRFSimpleFOAM
New Member
Chakshu DEORA
Join Date: Jun 2021
Posts: 21
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Hello all,

I have been trying to solve the porpeller simulation using SRFSimpleFOAM. My problem is descrobed in this post. But unfortunately, I have not got any responses.

So, I go back to the basics to understand the working of SRFSimpleFOAM. I hope you guys can help me with that.

I have a doubt about how SRFSimpleFOAM solves. If we go to the "tutorial/incompressible/SRFSimpleFoam/mixer" example, there is a SRFProperties file in which the rotational speed is defined. My question are the following:
  1. In SRF, the whole domain is rotating along with blade? As we do not specify any specific rotating part.
  2. If answer to the 1. is yes, then how do we solve for blade forces as there won't be any relative motion between the blade and the domain?
I understand that we solve in the rotational reference frame, that woulfd mean that our blade is stationary and the whole domain is rotating. That is what I was imagining so far how the SRF works, but I am unable to understand where do we specify this condition in BC setup for mixer tutorial (is it controlled by Urel?).

I am sorry if the question sounds stupid. I hope someone can clear this basic doubt of mine.

Thanks in advance.
Chakshu Deora
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