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Interfoam: Constitutive equation and shear stresses

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Old   July 7, 2021, 11:05
Default Interfoam: Constitutive equation and shear stresses
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Carlos Arboleda
Join Date: Jan 2016
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Dear foamers,

I am trying to understand some terms in the interfoam solver namely:

- fvm::laplacian(muEff, U)
- (fvc::grad(U) & fvc::grad(muEff))

To my current understanding, this terms arise from the constitutive equation of a Newtonian isotropic fluid and can be written disregarding the minus(-) sign as \nabla \bullet T = \mu\nabla^2 U + \nabla U \bullet \nabla \mu or in index notation T_{ij,j} = \mu U_{i,jj} + \mu_{,j}U_{i,j} where the comma (',') subscript refers to the differentiation.
The constitutive relation states that \nabla \bullet T = \nabla \bullet (2\mu S - 2\mu (\nabla \bullet U)I/3)
where S = \frac{1}{2} ( \nabla U + \nabla U^T).
Due to incompresibility, \nabla \bullet U = U_{i,i} = 0, thus:

\nabla \bullet T = \nabla \bullet (\mu ( \nabla U + \nabla U^T))

In index notation:

T_{ij,j} = (\mu (U_{i,j} + U_{j,i}))_{,j} = \mu_{,j}(U_{i,j} + U_{j,i}) + \mu (U_{i,j} + U_{j,i})_{,j} =  \mu_{,j}(U_{i,j} + U_{j,i}) + \mu U_{i,jj} + \mu U_{j,ij}
The last term U_{j,ij} can be written as (U_{j,j})_{,i} and U_{j,j} = U_{i,i} = 0.

Leaving us with a different result than the one coded in interfoam:

T_{ij,j} = \mu_{,j}(U_{i,j} + U_{j,i}) + \mu U_{i,jj} \neq \mu U_{i,jj} + \mu_{,j}U_{i,j}

or in vector notation:

\nabla \bullet T =  \nabla\mu ( \nabla U + \nabla U^T) +  \mu\nabla^2 U \neq \mu\nabla^2 U + \nabla U \bullet \nabla \mu

This is the result I have so far but it is not the accepted formulation implemented in the interfoam solver, thus my questions:
Is there a mistake in my reasoning?
Have I forgotten a term or a previous step?
What are the missing steps to achieve the formulation in interfoam?

Thanks in advance for any hint you can provide me.


Last edited by carboleda; July 12, 2021 at 06:50.
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Old   October 13, 2021, 07:50
Default Tentative solution
New Member
Carlos Arboleda
Join Date: Jan 2016
Posts: 2
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The answer would be that:
fvm::laplacian(muEff, U)
Evaluates (\mu U_{i,j})_{,j} = \mu_{,j}U_{i,j} + \mu  U_{i,jj} and not only \mu  U_{i,jj}, as mistakenly stated in the initial post. Furthermore:

(fvc::grad(U) & fvc::grad(muEff))
Evaluates U_{i,j} \mu_{,i} =\mu_{,j} U_{j,i}.
fvm::laplacian(muEff, U)+(fvc::grad(U) & fvc::grad(muEff))
\mu_{,j}U_{i,j} + \mu  U_{i,jj} + \mu_{,j} U_{j,i} = \mu_{,j}(U_{i,j}+U_{j,i}) + \mu  U_{i,jj} =T_{ij,j}
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interfoam, shear stress, tensor

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