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Floating box falling through the water

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Old   June 18, 2021, 09:49
Default Floating box falling through the water
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Join Date: May 2021
Location: Lisboa, Portugal
Posts: 18
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cesa is on a distinguished road
Hello, everyone!

I'm using OpenFOAM-v1912 and the case floatingObject as a base case, which uses the overInterDyMFoam solver. I have just changed the geometry of the floating object and the background (my simulation is 2D) and added a waveProperties dictionary in background/system. The wave and the mesh seem fine.

Nevertheless, when I run the simulation, the floatingObject falls through the water in the first 0.15 second (using a timeStep of 0.05s), even though the simulation runs smoothly until the endTime (20s), with no severe mesh deformation in the background mesh (which is the only mesh left).

I've tried different ways of meshing, such as:

(1) Generate the floatingObject using blockMesh -> use topoSet and subsetMesh to generate the overset mesh of the floating body.

Generate the background mesh using blockMesh -> merge the background and floatingObject meshes using mergeMeshes -> use topoSet to select cellSets for the different zones

(2) Generate the floatingObject using blockMesh and use a .stl file and snappyHexMesh to create the floatingObject overset mesh.
Generate the background mesh using blockMesh -> merge the background and floatingObject meshes using mergeMeshes

The object falls through the water in both methods.

Do you guys know what may be causing this? I'm attaching my log file (reduced because the original one is too big) and we can see that the z-force becomes large, but why?

Thank you in advance!

Best regards,
Attached Files
File Type: c log_reduced.c (46.8 KB, 6 views)
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Old   June 19, 2021, 19:08
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