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PROBLEM USING rhoCentralFoam AND snappyHexMesh

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Old   May 27, 2021, 01:01
Exclamation PROBLEM USING rhoCentralFoam AND snappyHexMesh
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David Vazquez
Join Date: Feb 2020
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Good day,

I am learning to use snappyHexMesh, and am still struggling, however I have managed to conjure up some sort of mesh for a 3D flow past a cylinder.

I have taken the following steps:
- Copied a tutorial for snappyHexMesh and then followed a youtube tutorial which guided me (mostly) through a process in which a 3D mesh was created which included the addition of a mesh layer which would allow for a boundary layer to be seen.

- Copied the rhoCentralFoam tutorial and added the mesh obtained on the previous step. I also changed the boundary file.

The problem I have when it comes to the simulation is that it simply stops after the first time step and provides no other information.

Regarding snappyHexMesh, I do not obtain a decent mesh when it comes to the boundary layer. It is all over the place. I am very new to snappyHexMesh so I do not know what is wrong. Along the process I had to add a section to the fvSolutions file to just get it to work (cellDisplacement information) which allowed me to actually run the part of snappyHexMesh which add the layers.

My complete case file is in:


If anybody has any idea as to what I can do for either of my issues, I would gladly appreciate it.

David V.
davidvzq is offline   Reply With Quote


openfoam, rhocentralfoam, snappyhexmesh 3d

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