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patchFlowRateInjection model in Openfoam

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Old   May 20, 2021, 12:35
Default patchFlowRateInjection model in Openfoam
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Hello all

I am simulating particle-laden BFS case. I am able to use the patchInjection model (where constant particle injection velocity is defined for all particles) successfully without any problem. Now I want my particles to follow the fluid velocity profile and as per my knowledge the injection model "patchFlowRateInjection" can do this. However, i am not sure about the keywords used in this injection model.

In my case, I want to inject particles at certain mass flow rate of fluid (say 10%) from inlet. As per the description given in source code, the user has to define the mass to be injected and their concentration. The diameter of particle (using distribution model defined) and their velocity are automatically calculated by the injection model. The two keywords (concentration and parcelConcentration) are very confusing and I don't know exactly what they mean. What I understand from those keywords is:

concentration: volumetric concentration of particle in fluid (volumetric particle discharge/volumetric fluid discharge)
parcelConcentration: number of parcel (or particle; when each parcel contains only one particle) in 1 m3 of fluid. In 1 sec, how many parcel (or particle) are there in 1 m3 of fluid.

Depending on my understanding I calculated the required parameters but I see no particles are injected from the inlet. The injection model defined in kinematicCloudProperties looks like:

            type             patchFlowRateInjection;
            phi alphaPhi.air;
            patch            inlet;
            duration         1;
            SOI              0;
        parcelBasisType  mass;
            massTotal        5.257e-3;
            nParticle        1;
            concentration 1.39e-5;
            parcelConcentration 77515609;
                type        fixedValue;
                    value   0.00007;


can someone help me to understand this model and setting correct inputs for my simulations.

Best Regards
atul1018 is offline   Reply With Quote


concentration, parcleconcentration, patchflowrateinjection

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