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Transport models in reactingFoam

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Old   January 22, 2021, 03:41
Default Transport models in reactingFoam
Join Date: Mar 2018
Posts: 34
Rep Power: 8
kuria is on a distinguished road
Hey Foamers

I am trying to run a tutorial case under reactingFoam in OF8, DLR_A flame case, by default the transport property that is used in these tutorial is the Sutherland model (

And there options for calculating the transport properties like constant, polynomial and logPolynomial - atleast according to the user guide of OF8.

But when I try to select another transport model reactingFoam allows for selection only on constant and sutherland model. The other two models shows up as error saying unknown type.

Unknown psiReactionThermo type
type hePsiThermo;
mixture multiComponentMixture;
transport banana;
thermo janaf;
energy sensibleEnthalpy;
equationOfState perfectGas;
specie specie;

Valid psiReactionThermo types are:

hePsiThermo multiComponentMixture const eConst Boussinesq specie sensibleInternalEnergy

hePsiThermo multiComponentMixture const eConst PengRobinsonGas specie sensibleInternalEnergy
hePsiThermo multiComponentMixture const eConst incompressiblePerfectGas specie sensibleInternalEnergy
hePsiThermo multiComponentMixture const eConst perfectGas specie sensibleInternalEnergy
hePsiThermo multiComponentMixture const hConst Boussinesq specie sensibleEnthalpy
hePsiThermo multiComponentMixture const hConst Boussinesq specie sensibleInternalEnergy
hePsiThermo multiComponentMixture const hConst PengRobinsonGas specie sensibleEnthalpy
hePsiThermo multiComponentMixture const hConst PengRobinsonGas specie sensibleInternalEnergy
hePsiThermo multiComponentMixture const hConst incompressiblePerfectGas specie sensibleEnthalpy
hePsiThermo multiComponentMixture const hConst incompressiblePerfectGas specie sensibleInternalEnergy
hePsiThermo multiComponentMixture const hConst perfectGas specie sensibleEnthalpy
hePsiThermo multiComponentMixture const hConst perfectGas specie sensibleInternalEnergy
hePsiThermo multiComponentMixture const janaf Boussinesq specie sensibleEnthalpy
hePsiThermo multiComponentMixture const janaf Boussinesq specie sensibleInternalEnergy
hePsiThermo multiComponentMixture const janaf PengRobinsonGas specie sensibleEnthalpy
hePsiThermo multiComponentMixture const janaf PengRobinsonGas specie sensibleInternalEnergy
hePsiThermo multiComponentMixture const janaf incompressiblePerfectGas specie sensibleEnthalpy
hePsiThermo multiComponentMixture const janaf incompressiblePerfectGas specie sensibleInternalEnergy
hePsiThermo multiComponentMixture const janaf perfectGas specie sensibleEnthalpy
hePsiThermo multiComponentMixture const janaf perfectGas specie sensibleInternalEnergy
hePsiThermo multiComponentMixture sutherland eConst Boussinesq specie sensibleInternalEnergy
hePsiThermo multiComponentMixture sutherland eConst PengRobinsonGas specie sensibleInternalEnergy
hePsiThermo multiComponentMixture sutherland eConst incompressiblePerfectGas specie sensibleInternalEnergy
hePsiThermo multiComponentMixture sutherland eConst perfectGas specie sensibleInternalEnergy
hePsiThermo multiComponentMixture sutherland hConst Boussinesq specie sensibleEnthalpy
hePsiThermo multiComponentMixture sutherland hConst Boussinesq specie sensibleInternalEnergy
hePsiThermo multiComponentMixture sutherland hConst PengRobinsonGas specie sensibleEnthalpy
hePsiThermo multiComponentMixture sutherland hConst PengRobinsonGas specie sensibleInternalEnergy
hePsiThermo multiComponentMixture sutherland hConst incompressiblePerfectGas specie sensibleEnthalpy
hePsiThermo multiComponentMixture sutherland hConst incompressiblePerfectGas specie sensibleInternalEnergy
hePsiThermo multiComponentMixture sutherland hConst perfectGas specie sensibleEnthalpy
hePsiThermo multiComponentMixture sutherland hConst perfectGas specie sensibleInternalEnergy
hePsiThermo multiComponentMixture sutherland janaf Boussinesq specie sensibleEnthalpy
hePsiThermo multiComponentMixture sutherland janaf Boussinesq specie sensibleInternalEnergy
hePsiThermo multiComponentMixture sutherland janaf PengRobinsonGas specie sensibleEnthalpy
hePsiThermo multiComponentMixture sutherland janaf PengRobinsonGas specie sensibleInternalEnergy
hePsiThermo multiComponentMixture sutherland janaf incompressiblePerfectGas specie sensibleEnthalpy
hePsiThermo multiComponentMixture sutherland janaf incompressiblePerfectGas specie sensibleInternalEnergy
hePsiThermo multiComponentMixture sutherland janaf perfectGas specie sensibleEnthalpy
hePsiThermo multiComponentMixture sutherland janaf perfectGas specie sensibleInternalEnergy
hePsiThermo pureMixture const eConst Boussinesq specie sensibleInternalEnergy
hePsiThermo pureMixture const eConst PengRobinsonGas specie sensibleInternalEnergy
hePsiThermo pureMixture const eConst incompressiblePerfectGas specie sensibleInternalEnergy
hePsiThermo pureMixture const eConst perfectGas specie sensibleInternalEnergy
hePsiThermo pureMixture const hConst Boussinesq specie sensibleEnthalpy
hePsiThermo pureMixture const hConst Boussinesq specie sensibleInternalEnergy
hePsiThermo pureMixture const hConst PengRobinsonGas specie sensibleEnthalpy
hePsiThermo pureMixture const hConst PengRobinsonGas specie sensibleInternalEnergy
hePsiThermo pureMixture const hConst incompressiblePerfectGas specie sensibleEnthalpy
hePsiThermo pureMixture const hConst incompressiblePerfectGas specie sensibleInternalEnergy
hePsiThermo pureMixture const hConst perfectGas specie sensibleEnthalpy
hePsiThermo pureMixture const hConst perfectGas specie sensibleInternalEnergy
hePsiThermo pureMixture const janaf Boussinesq specie sensibleEnthalpy
hePsiThermo pureMixture const janaf Boussinesq specie sensibleInternalEnergy
hePsiThermo pureMixture const janaf PengRobinsonGas specie sensibleEnthalpy
hePsiThermo pureMixture const janaf PengRobinsonGas specie sensibleInternalEnergy
hePsiThermo pureMixture const janaf incompressiblePerfectGas specie sensibleEnthalpy
hePsiThermo pureMixture const janaf incompressiblePerfectGas specie sensibleInternalEnergy
hePsiThermo pureMixture const janaf perfectGas specie sensibleEnthalpy
hePsiThermo pureMixture const janaf perfectGas specie sensibleInternalEnergy
hePsiThermo pureMixture sutherland eConst Boussinesq specie sensibleInternalEnergy
hePsiThermo pureMixture sutherland eConst PengRobinsonGas specie sensibleInternalEnergy
hePsiThermo pureMixture sutherland eConst incompressiblePerfectGas specie sensibleInternalEnergy
hePsiThermo pureMixture sutherland eConst perfectGas specie sensibleInternalEnergy
hePsiThermo pureMixture sutherland hConst Boussinesq specie sensibleEnthalpy
hePsiThermo pureMixture sutherland hConst Boussinesq specie sensibleInternalEnergy
hePsiThermo pureMixture sutherland hConst PengRobinsonGas specie sensibleEnthalpy
hePsiThermo pureMixture sutherland hConst PengRobinsonGas specie sensibleInternalEnergy
hePsiThermo pureMixture sutherland hConst incompressiblePerfectGas specie sensibleEnthalpy
hePsiThermo pureMixture sutherland hConst incompressiblePerfectGas specie sensibleInternalEnergy
hePsiThermo pureMixture sutherland hConst perfectGas specie sensibleEnthalpy
hePsiThermo pureMixture sutherland hConst perfectGas specie sensibleInternalEnergy
hePsiThermo pureMixture sutherland janaf Boussinesq specie sensibleEnthalpy
hePsiThermo pureMixture sutherland janaf Boussinesq specie sensibleInternalEnergy
hePsiThermo pureMixture sutherland janaf PengRobinsonGas specie sensibleEnthalpy
hePsiThermo pureMixture sutherland janaf PengRobinsonGas specie sensibleInternalEnergy
hePsiThermo pureMixture sutherland janaf incompressiblePerfectGas specie sensibleEnthalpy
hePsiThermo pureMixture sutherland janaf incompressiblePerfectGas specie sensibleInternalEnergy
hePsiThermo pureMixture sutherland janaf perfectGas specie sensibleEnthalpy
hePsiThermo pureMixture sutherland janaf perfectGas specie sensibleInternalEnergy

Has someone faced this issue before and resolved it ?

Thanks in advance!
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Old   January 22, 2021, 05:50
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Domenico Lahaye
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The message says that the thermoType specified has mutually incompatible members.

A valid thermoType for a perfect gas is e.g. (from first line for perfectGas)

type hePsiThermo;
mixture multiComponentMixture;
transport const;
energy sensibleEnthalpy;
equationOfState perfectGas;
specie specie;

I am not able to explain the logic behind the incompatibility.

I am also not able to explain how choice affect solver performance.
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