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Multiphase species transfer between different gaseous phases

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Old   September 11, 2020, 06:34
Default Multiphase species transfer between different gaseous phases
Andrea Di Ronco
Join Date: Nov 2016
Location: Milano, Italy
Posts: 57
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I would like to model a system in which 2 (or possibly more) gaseous phases are dispersed in a liquid phase. My experience with multiphase solvers is rather limited, but I guess that the right solvers to look at are the multiphaseEulerFoam from OF8 or the older equivalents like reactingMultiphaseEulerFoam from e.g. OF6.
I do not need surface tracking etc. My focus is to track the evolution of the gaseous phases as they are driven by the liquid one, and as they possibly interact.

Let's say that both gaseous phases are constituted by a single different inert gas species (no chemical interactions so far). One of them is injected at some location with a given injection rate. The other one is generated all over the domain with some volumetric rate (ideally proportional to some other solution field coming from a different physics, already implemented, but for the moment we can consider it as uniformly generated). Both gases would be removed in some region of the domain.

What I would like to see is how the 2 gases interact (not chemically, though) e.g. how the injected gas is able to strip and "remove" the other one. My limited understanding arises a few questions:
  1. In this setting, should I model 2 separate phases and have therm interact somehow, using mass transfer models? I've seen, if I'm right, that only deposition and reaction driven models are present, so I'm not sure how should I try to tackle the problem.
  2. Is it better to model a single gaseous phase and inject/produce 2 different species? In this way I guess I wouldn't have to care about making two phases interact, but I'm not sure how to deal with injecting/producing a phase with a single chemical specie.
  3. In general, is there some good material to understand the use of the OF solvers for this kind of problems?

Any suggestion/advice/criticism from more experienced users would be greatly appreciated!

Thank everyone in advance for the help,

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multiphase, species transfer

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