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Trying to convert a Supersonic sonicFOAM case made for OFv4 to OFv7?

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Old   August 23, 2020, 05:30
Thumbs up Trying to convert a Supersonic sonicFOAM case made for OFv4 to OFv7?
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Sultan Islam
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So currently im adapting a 3D supersonic Case from OpenFOAM 4 to OpenFOAM 7 as sonicFoam was merged with rhoPimpleFOAM (thanks to a user for pointing that out).

So far I have gotten around SurfaceFeatureExtract of stl file, blockMeshing and SnappyHexMeshing. Now the original file was set to use 8 proc, i switched it to 6 procs. Now I edited the controlDict and changed the program to rhoPimpleFoam. I also had to edit the fvSolutions from this

    nOuterCorrectors 2;
    nCorrectors      1;
    nNonOrthogonalCorrectors 0;
to this:
    nOuterCorrectors 2;
    nCorrectors      1;
    nNonOrthogonalCorrectors 0;
    transonic                          yes;
I did this based on the naca airfoil case which was originally a sonicFoam case before as well. Is there anything else I would need to change? I also question if I should be using the transonic flag anyway? The initial velocity is set at supersonic speed (Mach 1.7), so it is above the transonic regime.

Is there anything else I need to change per say?

Also after trying to read the all run supplied by the original case:

cd ${0%/*} || exit 1    # Run from this directory

# Source tutorial run functions
. $WM_PROJECT_DIR/bin/tools/RunFunctions


runApplication blockMesh
runApplication snappyHexMesh > snappyHexMesh.log
runApplication decomposePar
runApplication echo processor*|xargs -n 1 cp constant
runApplication nohup mpirun -np 8 sonicFoam > log -parallel &

I get most of what it is doing, accept the 2nd last line, what application could it be running? It seems to be copying the 0 folder to all the processor folders?

Thanks for any help you can provide.
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Old   August 23, 2020, 08:05
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Tobermory will become famous soon enough
If you type
man xargs
it will explain what the xargs command is doing.

runApplication echo processor*|xargs -n 1 cp constant
I will break it down for you:
- "runApplication" just executes the rest of the line using the OF wrapper, that generates a log file record - very useful
- "echo processor*" lists the names of each of the decomposed folders
- "xargs -n 1" says run xargs, using 1 of the passed parameters (folder names) at a time
- "cp constant" is the command to be processed by xargs, with ofc the parameter on the end
- i.e. this expands to "cp constant <parameter>", with <parameter> replaced first by processor0, then processor 1 etc.

i.e. it is copying constant to each of the decomposed processor folders.
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Old   August 25, 2020, 05:43
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Sultan Islam
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Originally Posted by Tobermory View Post
If you type
man xargs
it will explain what the xargs command is doing.

runApplication echo processor*|xargs -n 1 cp constant
I will break it down for you:
- "runApplication" just executes the rest of the line using the OF wrapper, that generates a log file record - very useful
- "echo processor*" lists the names of each of the decomposed folders
- "xargs -n 1" says run xargs, using 1 of the passed parameters (folder names) at a time
- "cp constant" is the command to be processed by xargs, with ofc the parameter on the end
- i.e. this expands to "cp constant <parameter>", with <parameter> replaced first by processor0, then processor 1 etc.

i.e. it is copying constant to each of the decomposed processor folders.
I see. So i can just copy and paste the command "echo processor*|xargs -n 1 cp constant" in the terminal for that step? I ask because I wanna do it step by step instead of using the "allrun" script.

Also do you have any feedback on editing fvschemes and fvsolutions for converting sonicFOAM to rhoPimpleFOAM?
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Old   August 25, 2020, 06:08
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Tobermory will become famous soon enough
Yes - you can do it manually. And as a check, before you commit to running the actual command, you can always preface the command with an "echo" so that it just prints the command, eg

"echo processor* | xargs -n 1 echo cp constant"
which would then print to the screen

cp constant processor0
cp constant processor1
.... etc.
As for the fvSolution & fvSchemes contents - I always find that the best place to start is the tutorial examples for each solver. Look at the contents of these for sonicFoam and rhoPimpleFOAM. Best of luck.
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