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Are the Never version of OpenFOAM backwards compatible?

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Old   August 20, 2020, 02:37
Question Are the Never version of OpenFOAM backwards compatible?
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Sultan Islam
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So I found 2 validation cases that were built and run from older OpenFOAM versions (4 and 5 respectively). One uses SimpleFOAM and the other uses SonicFOAM. Now I have both OpenFOAM-1912 and OpenFOAMv7, however I can't seem to run either of those cases in either version. Partly because SonicFOAM doesn't exist in OpenFOAMv7 anymore (however OpenFOAM-1912 has it but won't run either). So would i have to find and download the older OpenFOAM versions?

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Old   August 20, 2020, 04:59
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Gerhard Holzinger
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The Never-Versions will never be compatible (pardon the pun).

OpenFOAM cases are compatible, unless something with the expected input format changed (well, that's yet another non-statement). Furthermore, some solver might not be available in never versions, either because they are no longer maintained, or they have been absorbed into another solver.

Sometimes the expected input-format is changed, e.g. how residual-control is specified. Such changes make it necessary to translate a case from the previous format into a current format. Note, that nothing changed except the way how the solver reads-in case-data.

The beauty of OpenFOAM is, that it reads its case-data from simple text files. Text files you can read and modify using a simple text editor. If OpenFOAM's cases were stored in a binary format, there would be no way of converting a case from an older format into a newer one by simple means.

E.g. sonicFoam has been absorbed into rhoPimpleFoam with the Foundation release, see the corresponding
commit message. Hence, you will not be able to simply run a sonicFoam validation case. However, if you adjust the sonicFoam-case to the format expected by rhoPimpleFoam, you can then run the case again.

The beauty of OpenFOAM being open source is that you can install all the various versions of OpenFOAM side by side on your system if you deem this necessary.
E.g. you want to be able to continue old cases of yours without the additional work to translate the case into the new case format.

I hope my ramblings are somewhat enlightening. Compatibility is generally the case. If it is not, it's mostly caused by some minor changes which can easily be accomodated.
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Old   August 21, 2020, 02:50
Default Never say never, i meant to say newer xD
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Sultan Islam
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Originally Posted by GerhardHolzinger View Post
The Never-Versions will never be compatible (pardon the pun).

OpenFOAM cases are compatible, unless something with the expected input format changed (well, that's yet another non-statement). Furthermore, some solver might not be available in never versions, either because they are no longer maintained, or they have been absorbed into another solver.

Sometimes the expected input-format is changed, e.g. how residual-control is specified. Such changes make it necessary to translate a case from the previous format into a current format. Note, that nothing changed except the way how the solver reads-in case-data.

The beauty of OpenFOAM is, that it reads its case-data from simple text files. Text files you can read and modify using a simple text editor. If OpenFOAM's cases were stored in a binary format, there would be no way of converting a case from an older format into a newer one by simple means.

E.g. sonicFoam has been absorbed into rhoPimpleFoam with the Foundation release, see the corresponding
commit message. Hence, you will not be able to simply run a sonicFoam validation case. However, if you adjust the sonicFoam-case to the format expected by rhoPimpleFoam, you can then run the case again.

The beauty of OpenFOAM being open source is that you can install all the various versions of OpenFOAM side by side on your system if you deem this necessary.
E.g. you want to be able to continue old cases of yours without the additional work to translate the case into the new case format.

I hope my ramblings are somewhat enlightening. Compatibility is generally the case. If it is not, it's mostly caused by some minor changes which can easily be accomodated.
Hello GerhardHolzinger,

Thank you for indulging me despite my typo on my OP.

I appreciate you linking the commit message. It has helped me do some more research.

So currently im adapting a 3D supersonic Case from OpenFOAM 4 to OpenFOAM 7. So far I have gotten around SurfaceFeatureExtract of stl file, blockMeshing and SnappyHexMeshing. Now the original file was set to use 8 proc, i switched it to 6 procs. Now I edited the controlDict and changed the program to rhoPimpleFoam. I also had to edit the fvSolutions from this

    nOuterCorrectors 2;
    nCorrectors      1;
    nNonOrthogonalCorrectors 0;
to this:
    nOuterCorrectors 2;
    nCorrectors      1;
    nNonOrthogonalCorrectors 0;
    transonic                          yes;
I did this based on the naca airfoil case which was originally a sonicFoam case before as well. Is there anything else I would need to change?

Also if any admins are free, can you please change the thread title to something more relavent, Like "Modifying SonicFoam Case for OF4 to rhoPimpleFoam Case for OF7" ? If so I would be very appreciative =D
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