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Interface Creation Problem with chtMultiRegionSimpleFoam

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Old   June 4, 2020, 07:35
Default Interface Creation Problem with chtMultiRegionSimpleFoam
New Member
Join Date: Jun 2020
Posts: 1
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AC CFD is on a distinguished road
Hello everyone,

Im actually trying to solve a simple case of a solid heated tube (fff_solid region) with internal flow (fluid_fluid region).

My mesh is imported from Fluent.

I get the following message :

' not type 'mappedPatchBase'
    for patch solid_fluid-zone_de_contact-trg of field T in file "/home/temisth/Documents/FlowHeatANDMultiRegion/chtMultiRegionSimpleFoam/TEM_Tube/0/fff_solid/T"
I already read mappedPatchBase error in chtMultiRegionFoam

and related threads but can not make it works for me

Here are the following output i get from openfoam :

From SplitMesh, it seems that the fluent interface is not automatically detected :

Create time

Create mesh for time = 0

Creating single patch per inter-region interface.

Trying to match regions to existing cell zones.

Number of regions:2

Writing region per cell file (for manual decomposition) to "/home/temisth/Documents/FlowHeatANDMultiRegion/chtMultiRegionSimpleFoam/TEM_Tube/constant/cellToRegion"

Writing region per cell as volScalarField to "/home/temisth/Documents/FlowHeatANDMultiRegion/chtMultiRegionSimpleFoam/TEM_Tube/0/cellToRegion"

Region    Cells
------    -----
0    183362
1    89410

Region    Zone    Name
------    ----    ----
0    0    fluid_fluid
1    1    fff_solid

Sizes of interfaces between regions:

Interface    Region    Region    Faces
---------    ------    ------    -----

Reading volScalarField: T cellToRegion epsilon k p p_rgh
Reading volVectorField: U

Adding patches

Adding patches

Region 0
Creating mesh for region 0 fluid_fluid
Mapping fields
Mapping field cellToRegion
Mapping field k
Mapping field p_rgh
Mapping field p
Mapping field T
Mapping field epsilon
Mapping field U
Deleting empty patches
Writing new mesh
Writing addressing to base mesh
Writing map pointRegionAddressing from region0 points back to base mesh.
Writing map faceRegionAddressing from region0 faces back to base mesh.
Writing map cellRegionAddressing from region0 cells back to base mesh.
Writing map boundaryRegionAddressing from region0 boundary back to base mesh.

Region 1
Creating mesh for region 1 fff_solid
Mapping fields
Mapping field cellToRegion
Mapping field k
Mapping field p_rgh
Mapping field p
Mapping field T
Mapping field epsilon
Mapping field U
Deleting empty patches
Writing new mesh
Writing addressing to base mesh
Writing map pointRegionAddressing from region1 points back to base mesh.
Writing map faceRegionAddressing from region1 faces back to base mesh.
Writing map cellRegionAddressing from region1 cells back to base mesh.
Writing map boundaryRegionAddressing from region1 boundary back to base mesh.
I edited manually the constant/polymesh/boundary and /constant/region/polymesh/boundary file


        type            mappedPatchBase;
        nFaces          29210;
        startFace       179561;

        type            mappedWall;
        nFaces          29210;
        startFace       179561;
        sampleMode    nearestPatchFace;
        sampleRegion    fluid_fluid;
        samplepatch    fluid_solid-zone_de_contact-src;
But it is still not working.

Supply either a patchName or a coupleGroup for patch solid_fluid-zone_de_contact-trg in region fff_solid

    From function const Foam::word& Foam::mappedPatchBase::samplePatch() const
    in file mappedPatches/mappedPolyPatch/mappedPatchBaseI.H at line 67.
Does someone have an idea of where the error comes from ?

Thank you

Last edited by AC CFD; June 4, 2020 at 08:47.
AC CFD is offline   Reply With Quote

Old   June 5, 2020, 16:58
Default Maybe a typo?
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Carlos Rubio Abujas
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I've just checked a tutorial case and the "p" in samplePatch is in upper case. OpenFoam is case sensitive so maybe the problem is there.

        type            mappedWall;
        nFaces          29210;
        startFace       179561;
        sampleMode    nearestPatchFace;
        sampleRegion    fluid_fluid;
        samplePatch    fluid_solid-zone_de_contact-src;
It is common to miss some of these typos , Lets hope that could fix it!
crubio.abujas is offline   Reply With Quote

Old   November 14, 2022, 03:33
Default Supply either a patchName or a coupleGroup for patch solid_fluid-zone_de_contact-trg
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Ding Yan
Join Date: Oct 2022
Posts: 10
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batteryFoamer is on a distinguished road
Originally Posted by AC CFD View Post
Hello everyone,

Im actually trying to solve a simple case of a solid heated tube (fff_solid region) with internal flow (fluid_fluid region).

My mesh is imported from Fluent.

I get the following message :

' not type 'mappedPatchBase'
    for patch solid_fluid-zone_de_contact-trg of field T in file "/home/temisth/Documents/FlowHeatANDMultiRegion/chtMultiRegionSimpleFoam/TEM_Tube/0/fff_solid/T"
I already read mappedPatchBase error in chtMultiRegionFoam

and related threads but can not make it works for me

Here are the following output i get from openfoam :

From SplitMesh, it seems that the fluent interface is not automatically detected :

Create time

Create mesh for time = 0

Creating single patch per inter-region interface.

Trying to match regions to existing cell zones.

Number of regions:2

Writing region per cell file (for manual decomposition) to "/home/temisth/Documents/FlowHeatANDMultiRegion/chtMultiRegionSimpleFoam/TEM_Tube/constant/cellToRegion"

Writing region per cell as volScalarField to "/home/temisth/Documents/FlowHeatANDMultiRegion/chtMultiRegionSimpleFoam/TEM_Tube/0/cellToRegion"

Region    Cells
------    -----
0    183362
1    89410

Region    Zone    Name
------    ----    ----
0    0    fluid_fluid
1    1    fff_solid

Sizes of interfaces between regions:

Interface    Region    Region    Faces
---------    ------    ------    -----

Reading volScalarField: T cellToRegion epsilon k p p_rgh
Reading volVectorField: U

Adding patches

Adding patches

Region 0
Creating mesh for region 0 fluid_fluid
Mapping fields
Mapping field cellToRegion
Mapping field k
Mapping field p_rgh
Mapping field p
Mapping field T
Mapping field epsilon
Mapping field U
Deleting empty patches
Writing new mesh
Writing addressing to base mesh
Writing map pointRegionAddressing from region0 points back to base mesh.
Writing map faceRegionAddressing from region0 faces back to base mesh.
Writing map cellRegionAddressing from region0 cells back to base mesh.
Writing map boundaryRegionAddressing from region0 boundary back to base mesh.

Region 1
Creating mesh for region 1 fff_solid
Mapping fields
Mapping field cellToRegion
Mapping field k
Mapping field p_rgh
Mapping field p
Mapping field T
Mapping field epsilon
Mapping field U
Deleting empty patches
Writing new mesh
Writing addressing to base mesh
Writing map pointRegionAddressing from region1 points back to base mesh.
Writing map faceRegionAddressing from region1 faces back to base mesh.
Writing map cellRegionAddressing from region1 cells back to base mesh.
Writing map boundaryRegionAddressing from region1 boundary back to base mesh.
I edited manually the constant/polymesh/boundary and /constant/region/polymesh/boundary file


        type            mappedPatchBase;
        nFaces          29210;
        startFace       179561;

        type            mappedWall;
        nFaces          29210;
        startFace       179561;
        sampleMode    nearestPatchFace;
        sampleRegion    fluid_fluid;
        samplepatch    fluid_solid-zone_de_contact-src;
But it is still not working.

Supply either a patchName or a coupleGroup for patch solid_fluid-zone_de_contact-trg in region fff_solid

    From function const Foam::word& Foam::mappedPatchBase::samplePatch() const
    in file mappedPatches/mappedPolyPatch/mappedPatchBaseI.H at line 67.
Does someone have an idea of where the error comes from ?

Thank you
Hi bro, recently I had the same question. Have you solve this problem? really thank you!
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