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"flowRateProfile" parameter

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Old   June 3, 2020, 17:34
Default "flowRateProfile" parameter
New Member
mba olufemi
Join Date: Aug 2018
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Can someone please explain me or point me where to read on the meaning of the injector "flowRateProfile" parameter? Specifically, if set to constant, what is the meaning of that scalar value?
There are several questions related to this on this forum, but the provided answers are very confusing for me. It is stated that the units are kg/s or m^3/s. However, in almost all the examples it is set as constant with a value of 1. That makes not much sense for me; almost always 1 kg/s even if the total mass is less than 1?
In several places it is stated that the "flowRateProfile" is just the flow rate profile as function of time. Maybe it is the English language I don’t understand, but really I don’t get what this means. How a constant value of 0.001 can be ‘the flow rate profile as function of time’?
In one post it writes that 'massTotal' and the "flowRateProfile" together determine the mass to be injected at each time step. Could someone please explain this?
Thank a lot

Last edited by mba_olufemi; June 4, 2020 at 04:23.
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