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Symscape's Caedium: Extremely beginner help!

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Old   March 9, 2020, 17:19
Default Symscape's Caedium: Extremely beginner help!
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Join Date: Mar 2020
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darenhua is on a distinguished road
Hi, I've been lurking around this forum for a while and I've decided to ask for some assistance.

I am a high school student participating in the Formula 1 in Schools competition. For reference, this is a competition where students design, test, manufacture, market (and much more...) a model polyurethane foam CO2 powered dragster.

CFD is a very core part of this competition, and I've learned the very basics of the CFD process and various CFD software. Due to a sponsorship however, I am using Symscape's Caedium. Recently, I used this software to try to simulate an experimental iteration of our car's rear wing.

I ran a very casual and standard simulation: I made an enclosure with the wing subtracted from it, cut it in half to reduce time, made a k-omega sst model incompressible transient simulation, set it to air with -22 m/s velocity, inlet/outlet/symmetry/slip/slip/slip boundary conditions. (i might be missing things- i didn't try to make the simulation overly complicated or special though) The Caedium file and CAD file are attatched below for reference.

However, when I tried to generate the mesh in my seemingly simple geometry, I get warnings, and when I tried to run the simulation, I received the following warning:
Illegal cell label -1 in neighbour addressing for face 210031.
From function void
in file
meshes/polyMesh/polyMeshInitMesh.C at line 65
FOAM exiting.

I am not very experienced with OpenFoam at all, and the internet doesn't give me a lot of help with how to deal with this. I would greatly appreciate it if anyone could help me out with this error.

-The Caedium File, .sym, of the simulation is below, as well as a Fusion 360 file of the geometry and an .step file of it in a google drive link.
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