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gas-solid reactions

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Old   January 15, 2020, 10:31
Unhappy gas-solid reactions
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Mohammed Atta
Join Date: Dec 2019
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Liaket is on a distinguished road

I started to work with OpenFOAM very recently. I generated the geometry of a cylinder with an inlet port at the bottom of it. And mention a spherical zone at the centre of the cylinder as solid object using "setFieldDict".

My spereical object is porous and stationary. Hydrogen gas will be introduced through the inlet port and will react with with the solid sphere (iron oxide). The chemical reaction takes place isothermally and the main reaction is -

Iron-Oxide + Hydrogen = Iron + water vapour

I was trying "reactingTwoPhaseEulerFoam" solver but in that case I couldn't make the solid sphere stationary. Later with "reactingMultiphasePhaseEulerFoam" solver where introducing porosity is a problem along with no such tutorials of solid-gas reactions.

Basically I want to do a gas-solid reaction (chemical reaction and diffusion) where the solid will be porous. Can anyone help me which solver I can use or anything else which may help me in this regard?
Thanks in advance.
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Old   May 31, 2024, 03:17
Smile Request for the insights of your approach
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Keshav verma
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Hi Liaket,
My name is Keshav and I am also started working with the OpenFOAM very recently. I want to simulate the same reaction that you are performing in your simulation but I am not able to get any tutorials for the reaction of solid-gas interface. Could you please share some tutorial that you may use for your work or give me some insights of where to start with? This will be very helpful for my research work.

Thank you

Originally Posted by Liaket View Post

I started to work with OpenFOAM very recently. I generated the geometry of a cylinder with an inlet port at the bottom of it. And mention a spherical zone at the centre of the cylinder as solid object using "setFieldDict".

My spereical object is porous and stationary. Hydrogen gas will be introduced through the inlet port and will react with with the solid sphere (iron oxide). The chemical reaction takes place isothermally and the main reaction is -

Iron-Oxide + Hydrogen = Iron + water vapour

I was trying "reactingTwoPhaseEulerFoam" solver but in that case I couldn't make the solid sphere stationary. Later with "reactingMultiphasePhaseEulerFoam" solver where introducing porosity is a problem along with no such tutorials of solid-gas reactions.

Basically I want to do a gas-solid reaction (chemical reaction and diffusion) where the solid will be porous. Can anyone help me which solver I can use or anything else which may help me in this regard?
Thanks in advance.
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multiphase, porosity, reacting foam, reactingmultiphasefoam, solid-gas flow

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